‹#› ‹#› 1 Introduction to Navision 4.00 ESF –MU, Czech Republic Jaromír Skorkovský, MS., PhD. ‹#› ‹#› 2 Distribution channels Microsoft Development, new versions, technology, languages.. Country HQ 1 legislation, sales support Country HQ N legislation, sales support NAV partner 1 NAV partner N NAV partner N+1 NAV partner M Implementation projects and support End users ‹#› ‹#› 3 integrated_innovation1 Development Tools ISVs int_in_block1 int_in_block2 int_in_block3 int_in_block4 Microsoft Business Solutions logo white Customer Relationship Management Supply Chain Management Financial Management Analytics Integrované homogenní řešení Key Points: •Microsoft’s mission Microsoft Business Solutions delivers on this mission through solutions and technology that address a wide spectrum of business needs. Full Value “stack” is what sets us apart Detail: •Let’s start at that first key component – the development tools layer. Visual Studio gives us and our ISV partners the tools needed to design an infrastructure that is customizable and affordable for your business. •the development tools layer. Visual Studio gives us and our ISV partners the tools needed to design an infrastructure that is customizable and affordable for your business. •The next level – the gray blocks on the left – show our ongoing investment in servers – from Small Business Server to SQL Server to Exchange, give you a data repository that is trustworthy and scalable to meet your information storage and reporting needs. •The green blocks on the right are focused on productivity. Many of you may use Office and Windows in your business – and, the more that we integrate our business applications within this framework you are familiar working in, the faster your team can be productive and effective in using business applications in their jobs. Our intent is to continue to merge all applications together, so that workers no longer have “Multiple systems” to work between, but rather one interface that provides all functions one needs to be productive. This includes email, word processing, transition posting, tracking customer interactions, and more. Productivity means cost savings to you, and the total solution from Microsoft is designed to help you meet those goals! [CLICK] •Microsoft Business Solutions provides business applications that connect or integrate vital business processes – both internal and external – within an organization. •These processes consist primarily of managing financials, managing customers and sales, managing the operational side of the business such as the supply chain, and finally, managing the information needed for the business to run successfully through Analytics and Reporting. •We consolidate these process groups and provide solutions that connect and streamline them through technology – so that our customers can focus more on making decisions on how to run their business, rather than worrying about the manual steps it would take to manage their business if they did not have applications such as MBS apps. •The first category is ERM – this stands for Enterprise Resource Management and primarily focuses on the financial side of the business, but also integrates in Human Resources and Payroll processes, and managing projects within an organization for highest profitability. Our ERM solutions are designed to fit an organizations needs in these areas – right out of the box, but can certainly be customized to uniquely fit a customer’s needs if desired. •The second category is CRM – this stands for Customer Relationship Management, and manages the sales, marketing and service automation needs within a company. For those of you in the room that may work in sales, you know what it’s like to manage a lead through the entire sales process – CRM applications help you do that by giving you the information and resources you need to more efficiently close that deal. Likewise, on the service side – as soon as a customer calls in with a service request, technicians are equipped through CRM to see status reports, or even to order inventory or other items that will satisfy the customers service request. •Third is SCM or Supply Chain Management. For organizations that need to carry inventory, manufacture products, and get them to the retail store, or customer location, automating the supply chain process is very important to company profitability by means of trimming costs and making processes more efficient. The MBS SCM applications help businesses manage these types of processes, so that nothing is overlooked, and in many ways, things take care of themselves through pre-built applications from us, designed to meet the customer’s needs. •Finally – every business needs information to run smoothly, and MBS analytics applications help companies plan and budget, as well as run reports in any format for people who need information. Analytics capabilities are prevalent across all of our applications, so that any user is informed, and the real value of the solution shines through. •We design our products so that they connect – or integrate together, so, CRM is talking to Financials, and inventory is updated through purchasing. •Our applications are designed for companies across many industries. However, many customers prefer to purchase more specific applications that are created with their industry needs in mind. For that reason, we partner with countless ISV partners who develop add-on products that compliment our core solutions you just learned about. •Our end-goal in designing solutions – along with our industry partners, is to help you integrate and connect for greater efficiency and cost savings. By empowering your employees, connecting with customers, and integrating with business partners, you can affectively compete by having a thorough view of your business. Business Insight like this enables you to grow, profitability. Our solutions, our partners and our services are committed to helping you realize your potential ‹#› ‹#› 4 slide4_1 slide4_2 slide4_3 slide4_4 border1 border1 border1 border1 Unikátní architektura slide4_9 slide4_key2 slide4_key1 slide4_key4 slide4_key3 Externí aplikace Zákazníci & obchodní partneři Zaměstnanci Application Server GUI (Windows) Commerce Portal Country-specific Objects Customer-specific Objects Worldwide Generic Objects Vertical Solutions Objects Integrované vývojové prostředí Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Navision Database Server Database int_dev1 int_dev2 int_dev3 int_dev4 •Software alone won’t solve all your company’s business challenges. However, Microsoft Navision can deliver a key competitive advantage, by integrating your business knowledge and practices directly into your final business management solution. The open and easily adaptable Microsoft Navision architecture allow us to build in your own “best practices” along with other customized functionality for limitless system options. •The strength of Microsoft Navision is its unique and highly flexible development environment C/SIDE. With C/SIDE, our implementation specialists can easily customize Microsoft Navision to fit your specific company needs. •The object-oriented C/SIDE code eliminates redundancy, which results in an incredibly compact code base. All C/SIDE objects are fully integrated and can easily be modified, extended and reused, so we – as a Microsoft Certified Business Solutions Partner – can create vertical or tailor-made applications. •Microsoft Navision supports Microsoft Navision Database Server and Microsoft SQL Server •Worldwide objects form the basic framework of Microsoft Navision. They support the solution’s basic functionality and serve as the solution’s development core. •Country-specific objects are added to ensure the solution meets national legal, regulatory and business-practice requirements. •And finally, we add additional vertical and customer-specific applications to create a unique solution tailored to each individual customer’s demands. •The unique approach lets customers avoid complicated and risky third-party product integrations, and it also means we virtually never have to say no when a customer requests specialized functionality. •Personalized and customer-specific solutions are not only about what the system can do, but also how users interact with the solution. Microsoft Navision allows users to interact with the system through a variety of user interfaces – as a matter of fact you can change the user interface as rapidly as you change the way you do business. •Users can access Microsoft Navision in a variety of ways: using their PC and the Internet or other external applications. The solution also supports Internet-based features such as the Microsoft Navision Commerce Gateway and Commerce Portal. Commerce Gateway •Compared to traditional solutions like traditional EDI, Commerce Gateway is a highly cost-effective and scalable solution. You’ll be able to respond to the changing requirements of trading partners. •It will be easier both to find new trading partners and to meet the changing needs of existing partners, when you are open to collaborative commerce. •Today, most customers and suppliers exchange trading information either by e-mail, fax, phone or the traditional postal service. •Commerce Gateway enables information exchange faster by electronic means. And because the solution is based on standard technology that you can adapt to meet virtually any required format or standard, you’ll be able to meet the varying requirements of trading partners. •Great flexibility in meeting the demands of your partners. •Add new trading documents that you would like to exchange with your partners. Modify the existing documents should your information needs change. For example, you can add location information to a document you exchange. •Break the barrier of doing business with dominant players in the supply chain. •As a typical Microsoft Navision customer, you might be required to follow the electronic standards and formats of dominant Supply Chain players (vendor or customer). BUT you don't want to be bombarded with the complex details of EDI technology. And you don't want to become experts in the segments, data elements and codes that comprise a standard EDI message. On the contrary, you want to focus on your business – not the technology. •With Commerce Gateway you will be able to adapt to the dominant players in the supply chain as Microsoft BizTalk can map between different formats like XML, EDIFACT, SAP IDOC and flat files. •The mapping of information between two documents is handled in a graphical user interface, which makes it very easy to create new document maps or change existing ones. •By exchanging data electronically, you will also be able to receive (and send) information faster. This will give you better planning possibilities and thereby increase the overall efficiency of your organization. You will decrease your administrative burden since you won’t have to retype everything and this alone will reduce expenses and human error. •Where it becomes really exciting is when you look at the possibilities to expand your market reach. In the past, some potential trading partners were out of reach because they were either too big, with huge demands for expensive traditional EDI solutions, or maybe they were too small, making the administrative costs involved in servicing these small customers prohibitive. Microsoft BizTalk Server excels because: •It requires less administration. •It is very easy to set up trading agreements with new partners. •It is very easy to set up new agreements with existing partners. •It is based on a secure and reliable communication. BizTalk Server 2000 can keep track of the information it has sent. •BizTalk Server 2002 uses Microsoft Windows 2000 security features that businesses can use to securely exchange data with their trading partners. It uses a public-key infrastructure and Microsoft Component Service. BizTalk Server 2002 provides trading partner authentication through the exchange of digital signatures or certificates. •It is easy to integrate with existing systems. •Microsoft Navision supports all existing versions of Microsoft BizTalk Sever on Microsoft Windows 2000 and 2003 servers Commerce Portal •Portal always 100% up-to-date •Microsoft Navision and Commerce Portal are fully integrated, so the information can be extracted directly from Microsoft Navision or Their Microsoft SQL database. •Partners will always be updated when they subscribe to news like price changes, changes in product lines, and so on, via e-mail. •efficiency of your sales force will increase as a result of better collaborative tools that help them make better use of their time. • Sales agents can view all their customer accounts on one screen and use the functionality in the back-office system. •Personalization: users will gain Web access to personalized information features, which match the needs of their particular tasks. •Self-Service: With Commerce Portal, customers and partners can serve themselves with comprehensive functions ranging from entering sales orders to viewing order status to tracking delivery all without drawing on internal resources and whenever and where ever they are. •Little or no training required: Authorized users can also easily change other types of less dynamic information, such as the welcome text, company description, etc. The users simply change the text as you would change the text in any other application area of Microsoft Navision. •Reduce printing catalog costs: All catalogs are maintained on Navision and can be viewed through web portal therefore ensuring they are up to date, targeted to your customer and bringing significantly reduced printing costs •Collaboration: Commerce portal allows your business to be open 24 hrs a day therefore increasing amount of collaboration between you and your partners and reducing transaction costs •Additional Sales Channel: Microsoft Navision allows superior up-selling and cross-selling ability as well as providing customer service through integrated solutions that closely knit front and back office together •Worldwide Presence: Multi-language function allow you to work efficiently and easily within a global organization – both internally and with your international own customers Next Slide •Technology framework of Microsoft Navision ‹#› ‹#› 5 Zjednodušené schéma využívání ERP ERP Transakce - položky DB ERP Partneři Zprávy Náhledy sample2002-Graphs Informace Informace (trendy) Znalost metod řízení procesů a metrik Rozhodnutí Podnik keys Klíčová znalost keys Klíčová rozhodnutí ‹#› ‹#› 6 ‹#› ‹#› 7 Working area ‹#› ‹#› 8 ‹#› ‹#› 9 ‹#› ‹#› 10 Things to note •Windows •Passwords •Database and its behavior •Companies •User Access •Objects •Mouse or keyboard • • ‹#› ‹#› 11 ‹#› ‹#› 12 ‹#› ‹#› 13 ‹#› ‹#› 14 Windows types •Card •List (tabular windows) •Form and sub-form (header and lines) •Allowed changes in the windows by user •Buttons •Matrix window • • ‹#› ‹#› 15 ‹#› ‹#› 16 ‹#› ‹#› 17 License file part I (header) ‹#› ‹#› 18 License file part II (lines) ‹#› ‹#› 19 License file part III (lines) Other groups : Purchase and Payables, Inventory, Resources and Jobs, Cash Management, Relationship Management (CRM), Fixed Assets, Service Management, Manufacturing,…… see license itself ‹#› ‹#› 20 Price List (part of it) ‹#› ‹#› 21 License (granules) description (~ 62 pages) Dependency A B To have B you have to Acquire A ‹#› ‹#› 22 Filters I •Tool bar Field Table Flow ‹#› ‹#› 23 Filters II ‹#› ‹#› 24 Filters III ‹#› ‹#› 25 Filters IV ‹#› ‹#› 26 Filters V ‹#› ‹#› 27 Quick View of Icons and F Keys I ‹#› ‹#› 28 Quick View of Icons and F Keys II ‹#› ‹#› 29 Quick View Shortcut Keys I ‹#› ‹#› 30 Quick View Shortcut Keys II ‹#› ‹#› 31 Searching ‹#› ‹#› 32 Sorting I ‹#› ‹#› 33 Sorting II • • ‹#› ‹#› 34 Sorting III • • Creation of the Table 60000 and Form 60000 – and enter data and keys …. ‹#› ‹#› 35 Sorting IV • • ‹#› ‹#› 36 Kalkulované pole a položky (transakce -pohyby nad kartami) Přiklad : Pole Částka = Přiklad : 100 milionů transakcí (položek) Karta zákazníka Saldo Může být kdekoliv a nad jakýmkoliv polem a počítá to součty, průměry,…a okamžitě se to spočítá při otevření okna, ve kterém se kalkulované pole zobrazuje ERP Karta zboží ‹#› ‹#› 37 DATA SECURITY ‹#› ‹#› 38 CHANGE LOG SETUP Security and control ‹#› ‹#› 39 ERP and its entries Vendor (Customer) Item Entries Entries Detailed Entries Value Entries Dimension Entries Dimension Entries ‹#› ‹#› 40 Dimensions I •Global dimensions • •Shorcut dimensions • •Budget dimensions ‹#› ‹#› 41 Dimensions II Oblast= Area ‹#› ‹#› 42 Dimenions III Dimension Values Go to the Navision to see combinations.. ‹#› ‹#› 43 Dimensions (Budget Dim) IV ‹#› ‹#› 44 Database Version I - Optimistic Concurrency ‹#› ‹#› 45 Database Version II ‹#› ‹#› 46 B + tree • • Dividers (no data) Data Searching „Sandy“ = Search path ‹#› ‹#› 47 Processing overview – chapter 3 (8324A) Warehouse Management System ‹#› ‹#› 48 Purchase, payables and General ledger Processing – chapter 3 (8324A) ‹#› ‹#› 49 Inventory posting as a result of Business Cases (Sale, Purchase,..) – 2 phases Phase 1 : Quantity posting, Modification of the Value Entries, GL not affected Phase 2 : Value posting to the GL ‹#› ‹#› 50 Vendor setup Other folders will be explained ON-LINE ‹#› ‹#› 51 Item setup Other folders will be explained ON-LINE OR ‹#› ‹#› 52 Purchase Order Processing Item Vendor ‹#› ‹#› 53 Posting of the Purchase Order (PO) PO Vendor Ledger Entries (VLE) Detailed VLE Item Ledger Entries (ILE) Value Entries ‹#› ‹#› 54 Payables Processing Vendor –Summary Aging Report ‹#› ‹#› 55 Payables Processing Vendor – Payment Journals I ‹#› ‹#› 56 Payables Processing Vendor – Payment Journals II See ON-LINE operations ‹#› ‹#› 57 Thanks a lot for Your time Alternativní text: „Za pozornost Vám děkuje“ ... 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