text_TITL pruh_TITL logoC Culture and Mass Media Economy 1 The Cycle - planning for success in the arts Marketing-management model by Michael M. Kaiser and Brett Egan; DeVos Institute of arts management at the Kennedy Centre 5. lesson Simona Škarabelová www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Today agenga nIntroduction: What Is The Cycle? nArtistic Planning nProgrammatic and Institutional Marketing nBuilding and Engaging the Family nIncremental Fundraising nControlling Cost, Reinvesting, Building Capacity nConclusion Culture and Mass Media Economy 2 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Culture and Mass Media Economy 3 Introduction – What is the cycle? nA theory of organizational activity that prioritizes investment in great art: when bold art is marketed aggressively, an organization attracts a family of energized ticket-buyers and patrons. nThe income produced by this family is reinvested in more art that, marketed well, builds a larger, even more diverse family. nWhen this cycle repeats year after year, the organization incrementally and sustainably builds capacity, presence and health. n www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Culture and Mass Media Economy 4 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Artistic Planning nWhat conditions are required to create truly transformational programs that stretch our capacity to its hilt? nWhat must we have in place to produce—at the quality and scale we desire—that citywide festival, risky commission, visionary service, or landmark exhibition that forces audiences to pay attention, excites current supporters, and attracts new ones? nFirst, and fundamentally, - we need a long-term planning. Culture and Mass Media Economy 5 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Autors of this „cycles model“ believe that: nPlanning increases our chances of securing the funding required for the “big idea;” n nPlanning ahead also strengthens the donor relationship; n nThe large, experimental project requires nmarketing and educational efforts to identify, engage, and solicit current and new audiences; these efforts take time to conceive, budget, and implement. n Culture and Mass Media Economy 6 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Culture and Mass Media Economy 7 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Programmatic and Institutional Marketing nTo produce increasingly adventurous and meaningful art that asks our audiences to follow us—especially along that transformational, less familiar path—we must be prepared to compete aggressively for their attention and loyalty. nThis is the role of marketing, which we approach from two directions: nProgrammatic Marketing nInstitutional Marketing Culture and Mass Media Economy 8 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Programmatic Marketing nThe tactics used to identify and target potential audiences for each attraction, create awareness and demand, and drive a sale (of tickets, classes, services, or other experiences). nEffective programmatic marketing extends beyond the transaction to contextualize each offering, ensure a high quality of experience, and lay the groundwork for a long-term relationship with the buyer. ninformational marketing effort (famous performaces) na missionary marketing effort (unknown things) Culture and Mass Media Economy 9 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Institutional Marketing nThe creative use of organizational assets to create spikes in awareness, energy, and enthusiasm around an organization, beginning with the presentation of transformational art itself and continuing through activities that heighten awareness about the people, process, and other institutional assets behind that art. nBold, surprising, transformational programming is in itself our primary, and best, form of institutional marketing. nCreative, well-produced announcements of future work—even two or three years ahead of time—suggest a vital, robust, energized organization. nEnsuring that press—a favorable preview, review, or other mention—reaches key decision-makers and likely buyers is essential institutional marketing. Culture and Mass Media Economy 10 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Culture and Mass Media Economy 11 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Culture and Mass Media Economy 12 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Family Game Changers (in the family) nAn energized, enthusiastic group of ticket-buyers, members, donors, trustees and volunteers that anchors an organization’s financial health through its commitment of time, talent, connections, and financial resources. nA relatively small group of people—key funders, board members,highvale individuals, civic officials, artistic or institutional collaborators, presenters, distributors, members of the press— who have the ability to change the future of an organization and require special,ongoing cultivation and stewardship. The addition or loss of these individuals from the institutional family has a significant, bottom-line impact. Culture and Mass Media Economy 13 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Incremental Fundraising nA strategy for sustainable growth that joins longterm artistic goals, an energized family, and logical options for investment to build organizational resources donor by donor, week by week, month by month, year by year. Culture and Mass Media Economy 14 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Controlling Cost, Reinvesting, Building Capacity Culture and Mass Media Economy 15 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Conclusion - What does „CYCLUS“ means? nThey are this pattern at work in successful, healthy arts organizations: nTheir programming is bold, mission-driven, and balanced; nThey market that programming, and the institution behind it, aggressively; nThe resulting visibility produces a swell of interest and enthusiasm among a “family”of ticket-buyers, students, board members, donors, funders, and volunteers; Culture and Mass Media Economy 16 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi nThey make it easy and enjoyable for that family to get more involved—to contribute money, time, or connections; and nThey reinvest revenue produced by that family in even more bold programming that, marketed well, entices an ever-larger, more diverse, generous, and connected family. nWhen this cycle repeats year after year, all parties—staff, board, and family—sense they are part of a winning enterprise and, committed to the organization’s continued success, grow more generous and productive. nThese organizations grow incrementally, donor by donor, and slowly build and maintain artistic and financial health. 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