Transfer orders simplified Created by : Skorkovský Date : 25.4.2014 Reason : Study materiál for ERP courses 1. 2. Create header of the transfer order to transfer chosen item from Blue to Red stock location 3. Create lines of the transfer order and check Item availability par location from button Line in order t know if we have enough of item in chosen location Blue 4. Availability looks like this 5. F11 in order to book shipment from Blue to external location defined for transport (out.log) – Enter OK You will get this line : And after going from the field item number by F6 to list of items and then by using Ctrl-F5 you will get these entries : Go back to the transfer order (by ESC keys) and do what is described in clause 6. 6. F11 again in order to transfer item from out.log location to RED location (push OK) And You will get this message : 7. Go to Warehouse-History- Posted documents- Posted Transfer Shipment and you will get : And from there you go (field Item No) by F6 and Ctrl- F5 to entries related to posted transfer order