Jaromír Skorkovský KPH-ESF-MU Brno, Czech Republic Brno, 2015 • • Simple questions -qualifications • • Demands • • Costs • • Costs • • Costs • • EOQ model 1 D Q T D T time Notice, that inventory never goes below zero; shortages do not exist !! Carrying cost (will be presented -see next slide) 8 •Resource- Taylor- Wikipedia To verify this relationship, we can specify any number of points values of Q over the entire time period, t , and divide by the number of points. For example, if Q = 5,000, the six points designated from 5,000 to 0, as shown in shown figure, are summed and divided by 6: • • EOQ model 1 EOQ 10 • Navertica.png Děkujeme za Vaši pozornost a čas •