MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training Seminar 1 Ing. Daria Kuchařová Content I. Basic communication II. Non-verbal communication Basic communication skills  Common reactions of people in communication (Carl Rogers): Evaluating “It’s great!”, “It’s stupid!” Interpreting “You try to deceive me, but I will not let you do it.” Supporting “Don’t worry, you will do it.” “It’s not so bad as it seems at the first sight.” Exploring “Why do you think, no one will support it?” Understanding “So, do you feel like they disregard you? Does it hurt you?” Source: Trénink sociálních a manažerských dovedností, Jarošová et al. (translated) Goal Through . . . By asking or saying . . . Encouraging Choosing neutral words, varying intonation, encouraging the other person to keep talking Can you tell me more? What else can you remember? What a good idea! You thought of a different way to... Clarifying Asking for clarification, more or different information Are you saying that...? What else can you tell me about...? Restating (paraphrasing) Showing that you are listening and understand what is being said I thought I heard you say... So, you need to know why I am asking you to share? This is a tough one. We may need to think about it. Reflecting Showing understanding of the others’ feelings and body language This is really important to you. You seem worried about this. How proud you must feel! Summarizing Reviewing the conversation, deciding what to do next So it is about... Let me make sure that I understand what you mean... Validating Acknowledging and appreciating the issues, effort and feelings discussed I know how hard you have worked to help me to understand. Thank you for staying calm while you helped me learn why you were so confused. Building Continuing the discussion, asking questions or offering ideas. What would happen if we...? Have you thought about...? What else could we try? Effective communication  development of dialogue and discussion depends on mutual acceptance active listening and asking right questions  evaluating and interpreting reactions are not appropriate for it. Source: Trénink sociálních a manažerských dovedností, Jarošová et al. (translated) Active listening is a social skill that aims:  to learn as much as possible about another person  to understand viewpoint of the partner  to resist any manipulation from other people to take responsibility for solving their problems  to stimulate partner to also take responsibility for the communication and mobilize his own strengths to solve existing problem  to avoid conflicts and confrontations that are not factual Source: Trénink sociálních a manažerských dovedností, Jarošová et al. (translated) Non-verbal communication Body language  Lying Source: Typical signs and signals that a person is lying  Eyes maintain little or no eye contact, or there may be rapid eye movements, with pupils constricted.  Hand or fingers are in front of his or her mouth when speaking.  His or her body is physically turned away from you, or there are unusual/un-natural body gestures.  His or her breathing rate increases.  Complexion changes such as in color; red in face or neck area.  Perspiration increases.  Voice changes such as change in pitch, stammering, throat clearing. Source: Non-verbal communication Body language  Critical evaluation Source: Non-verbal communication Body language  Interested evaluation Source: Non-verbal communication Body language  Boredom Source: Non-verbal communication Body language  Defensive/negative attitude Source: Non-verbal communication Body language  Barrier/fearful Source: Non-verbal communication Body language Source: Non-verbal communication Body language  Open attitude? Non-verbal communication Body language Source:  Dominance/ superiority Non-verbal communication Body language  Powerlessness/weakness? Non-verbal communication  Exercise with drawing Non-verbal communication Facial expressions  Non-verbal communication Facial expressions  Embarrassment - the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public  Contempt - a feeling of despisal/dislike for anything considered mean, vile, or worthless  Disgust - strong feelings of dislike  Compassion - a feeling of distress and pity for the suffering or misfortune of another, often including the desire to ease it  Amusement - the state of being amused, entertained, or pleased Non-verbal communication  5 Body Language Mistakes People Make aVocjw Non-verbal communication  Game Changer: Amy Cuddy, Power Poser A9TnIso Thank you for your attention!