Average licence price Product Počet 2010 Revenue Počet 2011 Revenue Počet 2012 Revenue "100,000.00" Good 70 "7,000,000.00" 20 "2,000,000.00" 9 "900,000.00" "300,000.00" Super 40 "12,000,000.00" 13 "3,900,000.00" 18 "5,400,000.00" "40,000.00" Budget 110 "4,400,000.00" 32 "1,280,000.00" 40 "1,600,000.00" "200,000.00" People 70 "14,000,000.00" 43 "8,600,000.00" 6 "1,200,000.00" "800,000.00" Fine 110 "88,000,000.00" 31 "24,800,000.00" 11 "8,800,000.00" "1,000,000.00" Diamond 200 "200,000,000.00" 30 "30,000,000.00" 2 "2,000,000.00" "2,000,000.00" Crystal 30 "60,000,000.00" 60 "120,000,000.00" 3 "6,000,000.00" "600,000.00" Fox 70 "42,000,000.00" 80 "48,000,000.00" 11 "6,600,000.00" "5,000,000.00" Bull 80 "400,000,000.00" 31 "155,000,000.00" 70 "350,000,000.00" Customer total/year 780 340 170 Revenue total /year "827,400,000.00" "393,580,000.00" "382,500,000.00" Customer total market 100% "1,290.00" Customer total/market 100% "1,603,480,000.00" Market growth =G Market share=S Ratio Customer per product/Total Customers 2010/S 2010/G 2011/S 2011/G 2012/S 2012/G Good 8.97% 0.85% 8.04% 0.74% 7.67% 0.62% Super 5.13% 1.45% 4.73% 1.30% 5.50% 1.33% Budget 14.10% 0.53% 12.68% 0.47% 14.11% 0.45% People 8.97% 1.69% 10.09% 1.85% 9.22% 1.48% Fine 14.10% 10.64% 12.59% 9.24% 11.78% 7.58% Diamond 25.64% 24.17% 20.54% 18.84% 17.98% 14.47% Crystal 3.85% 7.25% 8.04% 14.74% 7.21% 11.60% Fox 8.97% 5.08% 13.39% 7.37% 12.48% 6.02% Bull 10.26% 48.34% 9.91% 45.46% 14.03% 56.44% Check 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Product Revenues previous period Revenues % of corporate revenues (Revenue/Total Revenue) Largests competitor market share in % per product type Your brand market share Total market share for all products Largests competitor market share in CZK (Excel formula :H4*F4 and so on for every line) Relative market share (Excel fomula : I4/D4 and so on for every line) Market growth rate (Excel formula : 1-C4/D4 for every line) 1 Good "485,436.00" "500,000.00" 54% 25% 25% "2,000,000.00" "500,000.00" 1.00 3.00% 2 Super "308,000.00" "350,000.00" 38% 30% 5% "7,000,000.00" "2,100,000.00" 0.17 12.00% 3 Budget "43,500.00" "50,000.00" 5% 45% 30% "166,666.67" "75,000.00" 0.67 13.00% 4 People "17,000.00" "20,000.00" 2% 10% 1% "2,000,000.00" "200,000.00" 0.10 15.00% Total "920,000.00" 100.00% Manually from market research Manually from market research Calculated Manually from ERP Manually from ERP Corporate revenue "920,000.00" Parameter 1 Relative market share=my Revenue per brand/Largest competitor market share Largest competitor market share in CZK = Total market share for all product/Largest competitor market share in % Relative market share =Revenue/Largest competitor market share