Project Mandate CRMS-PMv01 THE CZECH RAZORBACKS MERCHANDISING STRATEGY PROJECT MANDATE DOCUMENT HISTORY SECTION This document is only valid on the day it was printed. The source document is under configuration control and can be viewed on-line through the Document Management System (CRDMS) in the Marketing and Sales section. REFERENCES A. Consultant Background Report (Stored in CRDMS) B. Consultant Recommended Solution (Stored in CRDMS) CHANGE SUMMARY SECTION Revision Date Summary of Changes Version 29/12/2015 Original Version 01 DOCUMENT APPROVAL SECTION Name Signature Title Date Version DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION SECTION Name Title Date Version TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Objectives and Summary.. 3 Project Background.. 3 proposed Benefits.. 3 Project Objectives and Summary This section contains a description of the project objectives and summarizes who will use the delivered project products and how they will use them. Project Background This section contains a background for why the project should be considered. proposed Benefits This section contains a description of the proposed benefits to be delivered by the project. Organisational Constraints This section contains an analysis of the probable constraints that would be placed on the project.