MARKETING SYLLABUS Spring 2017 Lecturers: Ass. Prof. Alena Klapalová Room No. 534, room phone: 00 42 54949 – 5243, office hours: Wednesday: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. e-mail: (best way to reach me) Ing. Anida Krajina Room No. 545, room phone: 00 42 54949 – 5570, office hours: according the agreement e-mail: (best way to reach me) Required text: Kotler, P. and Keller, K. Marketing management, 14th ed., 2011. Prentice- Hall (in the study materials in Information system) Knowledge from this book will be examined in exam tests. Other materials: The course website in the Information system will be used to post this syllabus with schedule (DEADLINES AND OTHER IMPORTANT DATES), individual lecture PPTs, project (marketing plan) guidelines - template, supplementary readings, and/or materials for the assignments (if any). Please, check it regularly. Your materials (presentations, project – marketing plan, case studies solutions) must be uploaded also in this website – the file “HOME VAULTS” – in the individual files – for presentations, for marketing plans and for other works according to the assignments for the lectures. Examinations: Two exam tests (mid-term and final) will consist of a mix of multiple choice questions and open questions, based on the textbook Kotler, Keller: Marketing Management (see above) Grading: Assignment – 1/1 person up to 20 points 33,33% Semester team project- individual up to 20 points 33,33% (MARKETING PLAN) Exam test 1 up to 10 points 16,66% Exam test 2 up to 10 points 16,66% Total points available: up to 60 points 100% Case studies solutions up to 12 points 20% (IMPROVE FINAL SCORE) Evaluation of case studies: case studies will be evaluated in the form of points for every answered question and/or every task done – 2 points for each according the level of fulfilment. Final grades will be based on the following scale (no negotiations; no extra credit): A 60 – 55 points 92% -100% B 54 – 50 points 83% - 91% C 49 – 45 points 75% - 82% D 44 – 40 points 67% - 74% E 39 – 35 points 58% - 66% F 0 – 34 points 0% - 57% The final grading is composed from: WORK ON 1 TEAM ASSIGNMENT (UP TO 20 POINTS INDIVIDUALLY), TEAM seminar work - marketing plan (up to 20 points individually) and final exam test separated into mid-term and final term tests (10 + 10 points). Grading: A 60 to 55 points B (54 to 50 points) C (49 to 45 points) D (44 to 40 points) E (39 to 35 points) F (34 points and less) Case studies solutions (up to 12 points can improve your final mark. “Improve” means that you do not fail from both tests (5 points and less/each), the evaluation of the assignment and of Marketing plan would not be less than 10 points (even after correction). 1 STUDENT – MINUMUM - REQUIREMENTS a) individual part of the marketing plan (MINIMUM 5 pages of text/1 PERSON – see below) b) 1 assignment (home-made) – TEAM-DONE ASSIGNMENT WITH THE PRESENTATION AND MENTORING DURING THE SEMINARS c) 2 tests (mid-term and final) + 12 case study solutions – individual = VOLUNTARY DEADLINES: 1. REGISTRATION DEADLINES FOR ASSIGNMENTS (home-made) – 24^th February 2017 (24:00) 2. REGISTRATION DEADLINES FOR MARKETING PLAN PRESENTATIONS – 2x -1. PROPOSAL+ 2. FINAL PROJECT - MARKETING PLAN – 10^th March 2016 (24:00) 3. DEADLINES FOR UPLOADING THE ASSIGNMENT INFO MATERIALS (PPT presentation and TASK TOGETHER) – on Mondays 14:00 before the assignment should be done during the seminar) 4. DEADLINES FOR UPLOADING BOTH PRESENTATIONS – MARKETING PLAN PROPOSAL AND FINAL MARKETING PLAN INTO THE IS– 2 days before the date of presentations 5. DEADLINE FOR THE FINAL VERSION OF MARKETING PLAN (IN WORD) – 23rd May 2017 (24:00) Attendance: It is important that you attend all course sessions (both lectures and lessons), as exam questions will reflect material presented in both the book and during lecture/discussion. If you must be absent for any reason, you are still responsible for any materials covered or assignments given during the session you missed – till the end of the week when the assignment is given (case studies, tasks, presentations, final marketing plan). If you miss your presentations, an alternative date will be given to you by the lecturer. Class Exercises/Participation: Throughout the semester, you will participate in class exercises. Assignments: The main goal of the assignments (home-made) is learning by thinking and playing at school. Your ta sk is to involve your colleagues into the themes/topics and to bring them to learn the issue more b y fun than just by memorizing. There are assignments suggested by us – teachers. However, you can use your own phantasy and create something different – but it must be relevant for the individual topic of the week. Written assignments – in the form of our suggestions - are given in the Schedule below – in the Les sons box. You are expected to choose one topic and register for this topic (or the individual task) in the Information system – the path is: BPH_AMA1 Marketing 1….."Course topic lists and then click on "BPH_AMA 1 - Assignment" - it will open and you can see all the dates – you can just click on the chosen (free) topic and date. Materials that can help you to prepare the assignments are available in the Information system – in Study materials - for every week. You are more than welcome to use ALSO some other material according your choice and to use your phantasy and creativity as well!!!! If there are no special materials in the IS, follow the info in the schedule below or just simply use your creativity and phantasy (as stated above) and create some tasks, games, exercises for your colleagues with the aim to learn the content of the lecture. Cca 1-3 persons work on assignment (see Schedule below). The assignments will require you to prepare and bring short, written assignments and/or presentatio ns with you prepared at home. PRESENTATION SHOULD CONTAIN BRIEF THEORETICAL REVIEW OF THE TOPIC AND TASK/QUESTIONS FOR YOUR COLLE AGUES (CCA 15 MINUTES, NO PAGES) Prepared presentation and/or other materials for the assignments MUST BE uploaded into the Information system (- Homework Vaults – Presentations for assignments – please, choose the right assignment). If you will need to print some materials and/or to make copies, need post-it, flipchart papers etc. please let us know at least 24 hours before the lesson – we will do it for you!!!!!! (use emails) Other tasks, case studies and exercises: Other exercises (in the form of case studies and class-assignmenst or other tasks) will be in-class only. These will be unannounced (and do not require prior preparation). Marketing plan: Up to 5 people can be members of 1 team TWO presentations related to the project – MARKETING PLAN - will be hold throughout the semester – see schedule below. 1st is the presentation of your proposal of marketing plan – the purpose, the aim and the focus (all marketing mix Ps or just some of them) and presentation of the basic info about company or product (or both). 2nd presentation – whole marketing plan. Marketing plan – IT IS THE TEAM PROJECT (2 TO 4 PEOPLE IN 1 TEAM) The registration for both presentations must be made via Information system: BPH_AMA1 Marketing 1…. ."Course topic lists and then click on "BPH_AMA 1 - Registration for the dates of presentation" - it will open and you can 2 Topics: “Registration for the dates of marketing plan PROPOSAL presentation” and “Registration for the dates of FINAL MARKETING PLAN presentation”. You have to open both, choose date and click on it. Marketing plan must be written also in WORD form – both the proposal and the final plan (Proposal = from 1-to 2 pages, resp. more and final plan = cca 5 “norm pages (text count standard) per person = 1800 characters per page, 30 lines per page, 60 characters per line = ±8-10 words). All resources, references must be written directly IN THE TEXT (just behind the data or information is used from the reference) – not only at the end of text!!!!!!!! In the IS PPT presentations (or Prezi) 2x and Word related to Marketing plan must be uploaded as well as your prepared info material of the assignment!!!! Marketing plan can be developed for any purpose you want (and agreed on in your team). Some ideas: 1. marketing plan for new tourism destination 2. marketing plan for cupcakes for events 3. marketing plan for teens blog 4. marketing plan for Brno Erasmus students guide DEADLINE FOR the FINAL PLAN IN WORD – 23rd May 2017 - uploaded in the Information system “Homework vaults” – file _ “Final marketing plans” The text MUST BE uploaded in WORD (not in Pdf)!!! Two templates of a marketing plan are available in the Information system: “marketing plan template EXAM – no special exam date if both test during the semester will be passed successfully. If no, dates for the exam will be arranged individually at the end of semester! Schedule Date of lecture Lecture topics Lessons Case studies (CS) Assignment 21.2.2017 Alena Defining marketing for the 21^st century - the scope of marketing - key terms/concepts - new marketing realities - orientation toward the marketplace - marketing management tasks Chapter 1 warming up lesson course of semester CS: Nike and Google assignment given during lessons – key terms and concepts, orientation, realities 28.2.2017 Anida Developing marketing strategies and plans - marketing and customer value - strategic planning - PESTLE - marketing plan Chapter 2 CS: Cicso and Intel assignment: 1. mission and vision evaluation (1 or 2 persons) 2. value chain analysis (2 or 3 persons) 7.3.2017 Anida Marketing information system and Marketing research - marketing information system and marketing intelligence - forecasting and demand measurement - marketing research process - measuring marketing productivity Chapter 3 and 4 CS: Microsoft and Wallmart assignment: Content analysis (1 or 2 persons) 14.3. 2017 Anida Analyzing consumer markets - influences of consumer behavior - buying decision process Chapter 6 Team presentations - Marketing plan proposal (cca 15 minutes) CS: Disney and Ikea assignment: Models of consumer behaviour (1 or 2 persons) 21. 3. 2017 Anida Analyzing business markets - organizational buying - participants - purchasing process - B2B customer relationship Chapter 7 Team presentations - Marketing plan proposal (cca 15 minutes) CS: Accenture and GE assignment: Different needs and different expectations – create a game discovering how your colleagues would behave when deciding to buy two different products for the whole class (2 – 3 persons) 28.3. 2017 Anida Product and service strategy - Product characteristics and classifications - Product and services differentiation - Design - Packaging, labeling, warranties and guarantees - The nature of services - Categories of service mix - Distinctive characteristics of services Chapter 12 (pp. 325 – 333, 335 – 342, pp. and 13 (pp. 355 - 361 CS: The Ritz Carlston assignments: 1. comparative analysis of two concerts experience (1 person) 2. design the “dream product” – utilizing levels of product (1 person) 3. design the “dream service” – utilizing level of service (1 person) – alternatively: assessing e-service quality utilizing marketing memo (p. 376) 4. 4. 2017 Anida Brand equity and brand positioning - Creating brand equity - Building brand equity - Measuring brand equity - Managing brand equity - Devising a brand strategy - Co-branding and ingredient branding - Private labels Chapter 9 and 10 and 12 (pp. 344 – 346) and 16 (pp. 459 – 461) CS: McDonalds and Louis Vuitton assignment: brand positioning development (2- 3 persons) 11. 4. 2017 Anida Competitive strategies -- market leaders - market challengers - market followers - market nichers - product life cycle strategies Chapter 11 MID-TERM TEST CS: Samsung and IBM assignment: Competitive profile matrix (1 to 2 persons) 18. 4. 2017 Anida Market segmentation - bases for segmenting consumer and business markets - market targeting Chapter 8 CS: HSBC and BMW assignment: Airbnb versus traditional hotel business – segmentation criteria and positioning (2 persons) 25. 4. 2017 Alena Pricing strategies and programs - Product mix pricing - Understanding pricing - Setting the price - Adapting the price - Initiating and responding to price changes Chapter 12 (pp. 342 – 344), chapter 14 CS: eBay and Southwest airlines assignment: Pricing exercises – inspire yourself with the document in pdf in the Information system and create some interesting exercises for your colleagues (2 persons) 2. 5. 2016 Alena Marketing channels - Marketing channels and value networks - The role of marketing channels - Channel design decisions - Channel management decisions - Channel integration systems - E-commerce marketing practices - M-commerce marketing practices - Retailing - Wholesaling Chapter 15 and 16 (pp. 446 – 464) Final project presentations (cca 15 minutes) CS: and Zara assignment: comparative analysis of marketing decisions (utilizing the text from pp. 453 – 459) of two retailers (1 to 2 persons) 9. 5. 2017 Anida Marketing communication I - The role of marketing communications - Developing effective communications - Deciding on the marketing communication mix - Managing the integrated marketing communications process - Developing and managing advertising program - Deciding on media and measuring effectiveness Final project presentations (cca 15 minutes) CS: Redbull, Facebook and Dove assignment: 1. comparative analysis of the ads (2 or more) – according the objectives, budgeting, message and media (with the use of knowledge from the pp. 504 – 516 (book) (2 persons) 16. 5. 2017 Anida Marketing communication II - The role of marketing communications - Developing effective communications - Deciding on the marketing communication mix - Managing the integrated marketing communications process - Developing and managing advertising program - Deciding on media and measuring effectiveness - Sales promotion - Events and experiences - Public Relations - Direct marketing - Interactive marketing - Word of mouth - Designing sales force Chapter 18 and 19 Final project presentations (cca 15 minutes) CS: Redbull, Facebook and Dove assignment: 1. comparative analysis of the ads (2 or more) – according the objectives, budgeting, message and media (with the use of knowledge from the pp. 504 – 516 (book) (2 – 3 persons)