Simple scenario of the sixth ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV session VI. Created by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 15.3..2017 Reason : Orientation in the MS Dynamics “Creation of Transfer order”, its posting and impacts to Item ledger entries. Explanation of what means Stock location and Bins and how the items is basically transferred between stock locations. For : BPH_EP1 and MPH_AOMA students Used database : MS Dynamics NAV 2009 W1 (British database) Used keys : F5, F3, F6 and Ctrl-F5 (from card to entries) and Shift-F5 from list to chosen card, F7- filter of one field. F9-Statistics, F11 -Post Used abbreviations : Q=question, G/L=General Ledger, Simple Scenario = SS, PWP=Power-Point, SO=Sales Order, TO=Transfer Order, PO-Purchase Order 1. Go to menu Warehouse->Setup->Locations 2. Open Location White and see all tabs. The main meaning will be explained by tutor 3. Go to button Location->Bins. What can you see? Bin is the smallest putting element in stock 4. Go to the line where field Empty is not checked (marked). 5. Go to button Bin->Contents. What you can see? The main meaning will be explained by tutor. 6. ESC until working area is cleared 7. Go to menu Warehouse -> Planning and Execution and find Transfer orders. What do you see? 8. See explanation in Intro PWP file number IX. 9. Main concept is to transfer chosen Item existing in chosen location Blue to destination specified by location Red by use of location In Transit (lorry, truck) 10. F3 to create new TO (to confirm new TO number make key Enter) and make choice by F6 in order to enter actual location Blue and destination location Red. You can see, that In Transit location is automatically refilled by OUT.LOG. = Outer Logistics (hired agent). 11. Tutor will show you why this was done automatically done (Menu Administration->Warehouse->,Setup Inventory->Transfer routes and you can see matrix Transfer Routes 12. In line by use of F6 Use Item 1908-S and enter Quantity =1 13. Observe 4 fields in the TP line (Quantity to Ship and Quantity Shipped and Quantity to Receive and Quantity Received 14. Make F11 in order to make transfer from Blue to location OUT.LOG. The choice is Ship. 15. Observe impacts of F11 in 4 fields mentioned in Clause 13 16. Go from Line field Item number by mouse or F6 to list of Item where cursor is anchored to item 1908-S. Make Ctrl-F5 in order to see item ledger entries. What can you see? Two item ledger entries with type Transit 17. Go to item 1908-S -> button Item ->Item by Location->find 1908-S. Check In transit in the heard of this matrix. See entries from chosen calculated field (1908-2<->Blue) 18. Go by ESC back to Transfer order and make F11 again – the choice is Receive 19. As you can see TO was deleted. Where you can see posted TO? History->Posted documents->Posted Transfer Receipts and go to the last record and Shift-F5 to see document 19. From posted line and Item number go to list of item and Button Item and go to Item by Locations and find 1908-S. Go to calculated number in column Blue and drill down. You see related movements (transfers). The same you can see in Column Red. This is similar to action described in clause 17.