Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV III. (Purchase Order) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Basic source tables I.(purchase) •Vendor –Balance –General Posting group (we will go over it later in this course in section General Ledger setup) –VAT Posting Group (we will go over it later in this course in section General Ledger setup) – Vendor Posting Group (we will go over it later in this course in section General Ledger setup) –Purchaser –Pay to Vendor –Payment Term Code –Location Code (Inventory) –Currency Code –Language Code – – – – – – • Basic information- some of them - buttons (purchases) Basic source tables II.(purchase •Item –Number –Basic Unit of Measure –Item Category Code –Product Group Code –Inventory –Quantity of this item on diverse types of document –Costing method –Unit Cost –General Production Posting Group (we will go over it later in this course in section General Ledger setup and Inventory Costing) –VAT Production Posting Group (we will go over it later in this course in section General Ledger setup and Inevntory Costing) –Inventory Posting (we will go over it later in this course in section General Ledger setup and (we will go over it later in this course in section General Ledger setup and Inventory Costing) –Allow Invoice Discount –Replenishment System and Vendor Number (for purchase= Purchase) –Reordering Policy (we will go over it later in this course in section Requisition worksheet and netting calculation) –Safety Stock Quantity and Reordering point (we will go over it later in this course in section Requisition worksheet and netting calculation) –Item Tracking Code (if applied) – – – – – – • Item card Some basic information related to the button Item will be presented on-line during tuition Purchase Order Item 1 Vendor Item 2 Purchase Order Header Purchase Order Lines How to create a simple Purchase Order •Purchase menu •Order Processing->Orders •F3 to create new document- by confirming by use of ENTER a new and unique document number is created •Look-up by use of F6 from the field Vendor •Chosen Vendor must be confirmed by one click on the key Enter • Lines->Type Item->from the field No. By use of F6 pick your chosen item ->ENTER to confirm your choice •Enter stock location BLUE and specify Quantity of the Item •See Statistics of this document by F9 •Button Print->Order Confirmation->Preview •Post it by use of F11 •Make a choice (for this first simple purchase order model) • Purchase Order Item availability History You can see chosen document Purchase Order confirmation (preview) Posting PO See next slide Posted Purchase Invoice and Receipt document Direct „jump“to the Item card from Posted Invoice (F6) See next slide Posted Purchase Invoice Lines Item card and its entries (Ctrl-F5) Ctrl-F5 Item card and its entries Item card and its entries Vendor Card and its entries (Ctrl-F5) Ctrl-F5 Impacts to G/L Impacts to G/L (General Ledger Entries) 7110 Purchase Retail Domestic 5630 Purchase VAT 25% 5410 Vendor Domestic 2632,00 3290,00 658,00 Posting Groups Item 1 Vendor Purchase Order Header Purchase Order Lines = General Business Posting Group (chosen code=NATIONAL) = General Product Posting Group (chosen code=Retail) Posting Groups End of the section III.