Simple scenario of the first and second ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV session II. Created by : Skorkovský Date : 23.2.2018 Reason : Basic terminology and principles (new concept) For : EPS1 students Used database : MS Dynamics NAV 2016w1 (British one) 1. What we need every day when running business? Resources : financial resources, machines, people, items,……. 2. What is data? The data is information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing. In an ERP system we have a common database that contains all the information. So item information is maintained in the common database and can be used by the manufacturing department, by the sales department, and so on. So everyone working with the system, for example, the bookkeeper in financial management, the sales representative in sales and marketing, the warehouse worker in the warehouse management, the HR manager in human resources and so on, so they all work with the system in their specific application department but with a common database. And that's very, very important. That's one of the main features of an ERP system. Because of the common database, we have all the information available at real time. So we don't have to wait, we don't have to carry out processes, imports, exports. No!!!!. Everything is there in real time. 3. Data + Structure = Information 4. What is data field? A data field is a place where you can store data. Commonly used to refer to a column in a database or a field in a data entry form or web form. The field may contain data to be entered as well as data to be displayed. 5. What is record? A record is a collection of data items arranged for processing by a program. Multiple records are contained in a file or data set. 6. What is table? A table is a data structure used to organize information, just as it is on paper. 7. How we can see data? We can see the data with the form. 8. What is form (window)? A form is a window or screen that contains numerous fields, or spaces to enter data. Each field holds a field label so that any user who views the form gets an idea of its contents. 9. What types of forms ERP uses? General ERP, Vertical ERP (hotel industry, plastic industry,..), Small business ERP, Open-source ERP. 10. What is ERP? ERP systems facilitate the flow of real-time information across departments, so businesses can make data-driven decisions and manage performance – live. 11. What is working area? The working area is the desktop area of the display, excluding taskbars, docked windows, and docked tool bars. 12. What is menu? A menu is a list of commands or choices offered to the user. Menus allow a user to access various options the software program is capable of performing. 13. How to see only one record? 14. How to see list of records? 15. What is relation between fields (F4)? F4 help for multiple fields. 16. What is customer balance? The customer balance is amount having reason in unapplied invoices by payments. List of documents not balanced by payment, how much they owe and how long it has been since they were sent an invoice for payment. This report helps you to learn how quickly your customers historically make their payments. 17. What is calculated field? Calculated field is a field for querying or outputting information that cannot be directly queried or output from a database table. 18. Name are four main tables (Customer, Vendor, Item and G/L Account)? Master data. 19. Where you can find help to see list of used function keys combinations to control ERP? 20. Name basic economic documents used to control business! 21. Quote, order, invoice, credit note, shipment list, delivery list, good receive note 22. Explain structure of these documents! (header and lines) Quote: To estimate what a cost or price is likely to be. Order: A request from a client to a broker to buy (buy order) or sell (sell order) a specified amount of a particular security or commodity at a specific price or at the market price. Invoice: A nonnegotiable commercial instrument issued by a seller to a buyer. It identifies both the trading parties and lists, describes, and quantifies the items sold, shows the date of shipment and mode of transport, prices and discounts (if any), and delivery and payment terms. Credit note: A form or letter sent by a seller to a buyer, stating that a certain amount has been credited to the buyer's account. A credit note is issued in various situations to correct a mistake, such as when (1) an invoice amount is overstated, (2) correct discount rate is not applied, (3) goods spoil within guaranty period, or (4) they do not meet the buyer's specifications and are returned. Shipment list: To establish which inbound or outbound deliveries are due for shipment. Delivery list: Allow you to track order line quantity when you are using multiple deliveries for a single sales order, sales quotation, or purchase order. Good receive note: This record is used to confirm all goods have been received and often compared to a purchase order before payment is issued. 23. Find Customer or Vendor 24. Find Item card 25. Find Chart of account 26. Find help related to Customer (Vendor,Item) card 27. Find help to one chosen field (F1) 28. What is entry (created transaction)? Record of a financial transaction in its appropriate book of account. 29. To which objects are entries connected? 30. How to display entries (Ctrl-F7)? 31. Name basic professions of ERP users!