C0-HD-TOP.png C0-HD-BTM.png THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Zura Gamtenadze, Saleem Razouk, Antoine Vauvy & Jonathan Dupont C0-HD-TOP.png INTRODUCTION •Corporate social responsibility : “Corporation's initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company's effects on environmental and social wellbeing.” Investopedia • Human Resources Management : “The process of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization.” BusinessDictionary •The main goal for a company is to generate profit which requiring human, material and financial resources. •Why CSR has to be integrated inside the company ? •What is the HR role in the CSR development ? •Which HR management responsible for the CSR development ? C0-HD-TOP.png CONTENT •I) Trend, Drivers and Business Case •II) Corporate Culture Implementation •III) Skill and performance management for CSR •IV) Conclusion C0-HD-TOP.png I) BENEFITS OF CSR •CSR benefits for a company : Motivating - Developing – Retaining Examples: Novo Nodisk, pharmaceutical company in Denmark: 5% drop in staff turnover. Sears, an American retailing group: 20% reduction in staff turnover •Employee engagement in planning CSR •Development of skill •“Change the World “values C0-HD-TOP.png BUSINESS CASES •Attract and retain bright employees •Costs of not caring about •CSR activities > Salary •Reputation - customers, shareholders, employees C0-HD-TOP.png II) CORPORATE CULTURE IMPLEMENTATION Vision, Mission, Value & CSR Strategy •First thing to do •Role of HR : drive the CSR formulation •Example: Novo Nordisk Employee Codes of Conduct •Role of HR : Drafting and implementing employee codes of conduct. •The only mandatory element •Example: 3M Business Conduct Policies Change management and corporate culture HR role: Guide for corporate culture, team building and change management processes. Nancy Lee Model: CSR Management Program Change : A)Those that have the value and the behaviour. B)Those that have the value but not the behaviour C)Those that do not have the value or the behaviour (Nancy Lee 2008) C0-HD-TOP.png Employee involvement and participation Employee Engagement Pyramid from Melcrum: CSR Policy and Program Development HR role: Drive policy development and program implementation. Programs development: -Wellness Programs -Employee Volunteering Programs C0-HD-TOP.png III) SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FOR CSR Workforce planning and recruitment Analyzing present and future workforce competencies. Promoting the benefits of working within a values- based culture. Orientation, training and competency development Orientation: Clear line overview with the employee. Competency development: Direct or Indirect CSR responsibility to employees. Identify CSR competencies. Compensation and performance management HR role: Monitoring results to performance objectives. Example: Vancity Credit Union adds the integration, responsibility and integrity in their annual performance plan. HR tools : Reward and Recognition. C0-HD-TOP.png III) SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FOR CSR Employee Communications Employee Communication Program: To corporate Direction, Objectives, Innovation and Performance. Close the clear communication gap with communication tools. Measurement, Reporting & Celebrating Measure and Publish: CSR Performance and Employee CSR Engagement. -Use Human Capital Metrics -Consult employees -Celebrate success C0-HD-TOP.png Conclusion •CSR generates growth and better performance inside company. •No firm can avoid the question of CSR today. •It must be implemented as a principle of organization and business activities. •HRM has a major role in CSR integration process as it concerns every sector of the organization. •CRS success depends on each employee involvement. C0-HD-TOP.png References Coro Strandberg, “The role of human resource management in corporate social responsibility issue : Brief and Roadmap”, 2009. Lee Nancy, “Switched on to Energy: A Guide to Sparking Behavioural Change”, 2009 Novo Nordisk, “Business Ethics and Vision and Strategy”, 2008 Melcrum: “Engaging Employees in Corporate Responsibility: How the World’s Leading Companies Embed CR in Employee Decision-making”, 2006 Vancity, Personal communication with Susan Karda: “Manger, Organization Development & Learning”, 2009 Investopedia: “Corporate Social Responsibility”, https://bit.ly/2AMgDcX Business Dictionary, “Human Resource Management”, https://bit.ly/1unfn2m