Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV XXX. (Discounts) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Discounts •Use of discounts: –Support of „Sales“ actions->lower stock value and better liquidity –Support of marketing ->new clients –Basic incentives for any type of client –In order to differentiate between clients (based on sales in last period or other criteria –Types : –Price ->modification of Unit Price –Line ->change final price in % –Invoice Discount ->based on level of invoiced amount – Basic Blocks •Customer •ITEM •Sales Button •Sales Button • •Item Discount • Group • •Customer •Discount Group • •Allow Line •Discount • •Allow Invoice •Discount •Sales •header •Sales line •Window used •for Invoice Discount •Window used •for Price Discount sestup •Window used •for Line Discounts in % setup •Unit Price • •Can be access either from •Customer Card or Item Card • • •Ikona Ceny (2016) •Ikona Řádkové slevy (2016) Window used for Line Discounts Setup (%) Sales Type Sales Code Type Code Unit of Measure Minimum Line discount % Starting date Ending date Customer 10000 70102 (Item number) PCS 10 2 Customer Discount Group Large Account Item Discount Group RESALE 20 4 All Customers 5 1 Campaign Spring Campaign Item Discount Group BOOKS 3 7 Window used for Line Discounts Setup (%) Zákazník ->Navigace->Sekce Prodej->Řádkové slevy Window used for Sales Line Discounts Setup Zákazník ->Navigace->Sekce Prodej->Ceny Původní jednotková cena na kartě zboží je 10970 Discount combination •Price reduced from 100 to 90 •Discount % =10 •Final price after discounts were applied = 90*0,9=81 Prodejní řádky dokumentu (PO) Fakturační sleva Fakturační sleva musí být povolena a je nutné manuálně zahájit její výpočet, aby byla aplikována Výpočet kalkulační slevy Statistika dokumentu F7 Položky hlavní knihy po zaúčtování Oblasti->Finance->Archiv->Historie->Finanční žurnály End of the section Discounts This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend, the end… So why worry now ……