Economic, Political and Social Identity in the European Union Professor John Wilton Lecture 7 European Union identity today Web site for information referred to in this lecture is Eurobarometer 62 from Autumn 2004 (fieldwork carried out in October/November 2004) Eurobarometer 74 (fieldwork Oct/Nov. 2010, published Feb. 2011 Eurobarometer 90 (fieldwork Oct/Nov 2018, published Dec. 2018) Lecture 7 Eurobarometer 62 (Autumn 2004) EU membership good thing (56%). Plus 8 percentage points from Eurobarometer 61 (Spring 2004). Highest level of support since 1995. - But, view that EU membership is a good thing for their country mainly found amongst the citizens of old Member States (85% Luxembourg, 77% Ireland, 75% Netherlands, 73% Belguim, 72% Spain) Lecture 7 •Oct/Nov 2004 Eurobarometer poll 53% of EU citizens considered their country had benefited from belonging to the EU •- 34% thought their country hadn’t benefited. •- Positive view Plus 6 percentage points from survey Feb/Mar 2004 - reached a level not seen over previous 10 years • Lecture 7 • IMAGE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION • - 50% had a positive image of the EU in Oct/Nov 2004 survey – an increase of 6 percentage points on Spring 2004 survey • - 33% were neutral about the EU image •- 15% had a negative perception of the image of the EU • • Lecture 7 • From this the Eurobarometer 62 report suggested that: • “This constant trend reflects once again the gap which exists between the wishes of citizens for more Europe and their perception of the current situation.” (p.29) • Lecture 7 •Eurobarometer 74 (Autumn 2010): Most important personal values for EU citizens - • - human rights 47% • - peace 44% • - respect for human life 41% • - democracy 29% • - individual freedom 23% • - rule of law 22% • - equality 19% • Lecture 7 •Eurobarometer 74 (Autumn 2010): • -When asked to select the values that best represent the E.U., Europeans gave priority to the values which are the most important for them personally: • - human rights 38% • - democracy 38% • - peace 35% • Lecture 7 •Eurobarometer 74 (Autumn 2010): • •Perceptions of what the E.U. represents for E.U citizens: • - freedom to travel, study and work • anywhere in E.U. 45% • - Euro 40% • - peace 24% • - democracy 23% • - cultural diversity 23% • - stronger voice in world 23% •BUT, - waste of money 25% • Lecture 7 •Eurobarometer 74 (Autumn 2010): -38% of Europeans surveyed had a positive image of the European Union • ( = minus/decline of 10 percentage points in comparison with Eurobarometer 72 in Autumn 2009 – effect of Euro crisis?) -Eurobarometer 62 (Autumn 2004) 50% had positive image of E.U. • • Lecture 7 •Eurobarometer 90 (Autumn 2018) •IMAGE OF THE E.U. •43% positive image (highest level since Autumn 2009) •36% neutral image •20% negative image • •From Spring 2018 positive image had increased in 17 states • Lecture 7 •Eurobarometer 90 (Autumn 2018) •E.U. Citizenship -In all EU states more than half the people surveyed felt they were citizens of the E.U. (71% across the E.U. as a whole) • •Most positive results of being E.U. citizen: •- 59% free movement of people, goods and services within E.U. •- 55% peace among E.U. Member States - •