Economy of culture 1. What does term culture mean? · Discuss: What is your personal explanation of term “culture”? · Try to define culture by yourself · Find definition of term “culture” by some organization/author etc. 2. What do we mean when we are talking about international cultural differences? · Discuss: What are the roots of these differences? 3. What is a cultural good and cultural service in area of culture production? · Find at least three examples of cultural goods and services · Discuss: How could we sort cultural goods and service 4. Are cultural organizations financially self-sufficient? · Find examples of areas which are in general financially self-sufficient and which dependent on support. 5. According which economic theory should be culture supported by state? · Is culture public good or not? 6. What does “Baumol's cost disease” mean? · Does this theory have any weakness? · Discuss: How could we measure productivity in culture? · Discuss: How could we increase production in culture? 7. Find at least three international organizations which focused on culture. · Find mission of these organization. 8. What is the EU's role in the culture area? · Does EU have united strategy in field of culture support? 9. Find three examples of European union’s activities, which are connecting with culture. · Which cities are in 2018 European capitals of Culture and what does these activities mean? 10. Discuss: How often in week/month/year do you visit culture institution? (Theatre, cinema, museum, gallery and so on) · Which product of culture do you use the most?