ECONOMY OF CULTURE 1.FIND DEFINITION OF CULTURE Definition of culture •„the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively“ (Oxford dictionary) •"[Culture] is that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by [a human] as a member of society.„ (UNESCO) •An international debate centered in UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) since 1960s oTerm cultural heritage • 2. INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Cultural differences •Dress up •Food •Music •Housing •Habits •….. Roots of cultural differences •Historical •Geographic •Religious •Politicals •….. 3. WHAT IS A CULTURAL GOOD AND CULTURAL SERVICE? cultural goods and cultural services • •Ballet •Opera •Orchestras •Heritage •Museums •Publishing •Cinema •Television •Broadcasting •Music •Visual arts(architecture, design, crafts, etc.) •Festivals •… • How could we sort cultural goods and services? • •Cultural heritage (goods and services) 1.Tangible x Intangible –Tangible cultural heritage: omovable cultural heritage (paintings, sculptures, coins, manuscripts) oimmovable cultural heritage (monuments, archaeological sites, and so on) ounderwater cultural heritage (shipwrecks, underwater ruins and cities) –Intangible cultural heritage: oral traditions, performing arts, rituals 2.Natural heritage: natural sites with cultural aspects such as cultural landscapes, physical, biological or geological formations 3.Durable vs. Exist in particular time (castle vs. concert) – • 4. FINANCIAL SELF SUFFICIENCY OF CULTURAL ORGANIZATION Financial self-sufficiency •Financially self sufficient areas –Popular culture •Financially dependent areas –Traditional culture – • 5.ACCORDING WHICH ECONOMIC THEORY SHOULD BE CULTURE SUPPORT BY STATE? Concept of Market Failure •Market failure –Information asymmetry –Non-competitive markets (monopoly, oligopoly) –Externalities (your production affecting others) •Culture has positive externalities –Public goods (culture is one of identification of nations) •Culture is public heritage • 6. WHAT IS BAUMOL'S COST DISEASE? Baumol´s cost disease •Phenomenon described by Bauml and Bowen in the 1960s •Rise of salaries of musicians without productivity changes •Rise of wages in automobile factory X in opera Baumol´s cost disease • Baumol´s cost disease •Weakness of theory: •Modern technology influence the productivity of culture –Past: composers wrote score by hand –Now: composers use PC programs to wrote a score –Past: painters mixed colors by themselves –Now: painters can buy any color shade •Delivery of cultural products –More people are able to consume cultural products and services because of modern technologies •Records •Pictures of paintings •Virtual visit of galleries etc. How could we measure productivity in culture? •It doesn't exist single index for all culture branches •What is used –Number of (play, paintings, songs, etc.) per month? •Problem: How to measure quality of product? –Profit •Problem: Popular vs. Traditional art –Film industry vs. Opera->film industry is in general self-sufficient. Opera cannot exist without state support – How could we increase production in culture? •Motivate artist (How?) –According Baumol´s cost disease increasing of wages doesn't mean increasing of productivity •Have more artist? (what about quality) E_AUKCE_MUNCH_717.jpg 7. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS WHICH FOCUSED ON CULTURE E_AUKCE_MUNCH_717.jpg International organizations which focused on culture •UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – •ITI –International Theatre Institution – •ASEMUS – Asia Europe Museum Network – 8. WHAT IS THE EU'S ROLE IN THE CULTURE AREA? EU's role in the culture area •Article 167 of Treaty on the functioning of the European union –„The Union shall contribute to the flowering of the cultures of the Member States, while respecting their national and regional diversity and at the same time bringing the common cultural heritage to the fore.“ – • ure_boats_at_argenteuil_by_monet_80x70.jpg 7. FIND THREE EXAMPLES OF EUROPEAN UNION’S ACTIVITIES, WHICH ARE CONNECTING WITH CULTURE ure_boats_at_argenteuil_by_monet_80x70.jpg Examples of cultural activities of EU •The European Capitals of Culture initiative is designed to: –Highlight the richness and diversity of cultures in Europe –Celebrate the cultural features Europeans share –Increase European citizens' sense of belonging to a common cultural area –Foster the contribution of culture to the development of cities – • ure_boats_at_argenteuil_by_monet_80x70.jpg Examples of cultural activities of EU •Voices of Culture ‒ Structured Dialogue between the European Commission and the cultural sector • „provides a framework for discussions between EU civil society stakeholders and the European Commission“ • • ure_boats_at_argenteuil_by_monet_80x70.jpg Examples of cultural activities of EU •The European Culture Forum –„The European Culture Forum is a biennial flagship event organized by the European Commission, aimed at raising the profile of European cultural cooperation, uniting the sector's key players, taking stock the European Agenda for Culture's implementation, and sparking debate on EU culture policy and initiatives“ • • ure_boats_at_argenteuil_by_monet_80x70.jpg European capitals of Culture 2018 •Plovdiv (Bulgaria) •Matera (Italy) • CONCLUSION Conclusion •Culture –„manifestations of human intellectual achievement“ –„product of human creativity“ •Roots of cultural difference comes from –History –Geography –Religion •Product of culture is good, service, knowledge or identity •According economic theory has culture positive externality •Productivity in culture is highly limited and in long term condition is constant, but the wages are increasing (according Baumol's cost disease) •Role of EU in field of culture is „ flowering of the cultures of the Member States“ • • Use full links • tural-diversity/ • views_-_leisure_and_social_relations • iew=FitB • -and-comments/part-3-union-policies-and-internal-actions/title-xiii-culture/455-article-167.html • • • • • – UNESCO monuments in Czech republic Český Krumlov Holašovice Telč Třebíč Praha Kutná Hora Žďár nad Sázavou Litomyšl Olomouc Kroměříž Lednice Brno