Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 AP " 3,125,000 " AP " 9,230,000 " AP " 3,125,000 " Workings No.1 as per overdue Categorization: Impact Categorization: Impact Categorization: Impact 11/15/2016 12/31/2017 411 days => 14 months <18 months => 100% of unpaid amount => " 25,000 " 1. tax base deduction 0 <= 10250 <60000 & laptops are used (i.e. Exor is not first owner) & 0.36% < 30% 1. accounting/tax income " 125,000 " <= depreciation group is 3 or 4 & creation of reserve was during 3 years > 1 year 1. accounting/tax cost see separately 4/2/2016 12/31/2017 638 days => 21 months >18 months => 50% of unpaid amount => " 105,000 " 2. accounting/tax cost " 552,000 " 2. accounting/tax cost see separately 2. accounting/tax cost " 410,000 " <= see workings No.1 9/10/2015 12/31/2017 843 days => 28 months >18 months => 50% of unpaid amount => " 75,000 " 3. accounting/tax cost " 114,000 " 3. tax base deduction " 36,250 " <= " 72,500 " > " 60,000 " & laptops are used (i.e. Exor is not first owner) & 31.87% > 30% 3. accounting/tax income - <= was already taxed by WHT at the source 4. accounting/tax cost " 40,000 " <= depreciation group is 4 & creation of reserve is planned during 3 years > 1 year 4. accounting/tax cost " 1,050,000 " 4. accounting/tax income - <= was already taxed by WHT at the source 5. accounting/tax cost see separately 5. accounting/tax cost " 255,000 " Adjustments to AP: Adjustments to AP: Adjustments to AP: Add back Less Net impact Add back Less Net impact Add back Less Net impact 2. " 552,000 " " 552,000 " as accounting costs which is non-deductable tax cost 1. " (125,000)" " (125,000)" as accounting income which is non-taxable income 1. 3. " 114,000 " " (114,000)" - 2. - 2. " 410,000 " " (205,000)" " 205,000 " 4. " 40,000 " " (40,000)" - 4. " 1,050,000 " " (1,050,000)" - 3. - - - 5. 4. - - - Tax base " 3,677,000 " Tax base " 9,105,000 " 5. " 255,000 " " 255,000 " Tax base " 3,585,000 " Tax base deductions Tax base deductions 1. - 1. " (36,250)" Tax base deductions Tax base adjusted " 3,677,000 " Tax base adjusted " 9,068,750 " - Tax base adjusted " 3,585,000 " rounding " 3,677,000 " rounding " 9,068,000 " rounding " 3,585,000 " Tax liability " 698,630 " Tax liability " 1,722,920 " Tax liability " 681,150 "