THE PERSONA CORE POSTER by CREATIVE COMPANION DESCRIPTOR NAME Sketch the personal profile, age, location, job title, what kind of person is it? Think about one or more personas from segmentation. What type of persona is it. Describe the most prominent differentiator. Capture the essence to one or two points that could come out of the persona’s own mouth - so to speak. Use a realistic name. Don’t use names of colleagues. Wat is the supreme motivator? What are (latent) needs and desires? What does she do? Tell stories about her behaviour while using a service, product or site. Channel usage for various needs (internet, visiting comparable sites, mobile, social media). What works well, what are the frustrations, what is stopping her from choosing a function, service or product? What is the point of view? What is the expectation, perception of the service, company or brand. What motivates the persona to go to the website, into the shop, or use the service. Fast or slow decision maker? Why, how can you tell? Decisions made on facts or emotion? Why, how can you tell? Which Trends, mindstyles or other indicators are applicable for this persona? How important are functional, emotional, expressive benefits. WWW.CREATIVE-COMPANION.COM QUOTE WHAT ATTITUDE?WHAT GOALS? WHO IS IT ? WHICH BEHAVIOUR? Just sketch your first impression! ASPIRATIONALEDUCATEDGUESS ASPIRATIONAL ACTUAL ACTUAL This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.