WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Interviewing someone for a job WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Arranging a meeting WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Giving a presentation WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Setting up a website for your company WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Running your own business from home WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Deciding where to relocate your company WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Carrying out a staff review WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Promoting a product WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Choosing a suitable venue for a conference WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Organizing business travel WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Expanding your company WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN …? Dealing with a complaint from a customer ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Quality control: the importance to a company of monitoring it goods and services Information management: how to ensure that information is managed effectively within a company Financial planning: the factors involved in deciding on appropriate pricing strategies Customer relations: the importance to a company of reliable customer opinions of products Staff development: the importance to a company of developing effective career plans for staff Technology: the importance to a company of regularly upgrading its technological equipment Staff relations: the importnace of a company providing a range of facilities for all staff Recruitment: how to ensure that the advertising of job vacancies is effective Purchasing: the importance of maintaining personal contact with potential suppliers Customer service: the importance of providing an effective after-sales service for customers Time management: the importance of planning work time effectively Project development: how to ensure inter-departmental cooperation on new projects Information management: the importance of an effective intenal communication systém in a company Technology: the factors involved in assessing the cost-effectiveness of new technology Personal skils: how to motivate employees to achieve their full potential Project management: the importance of team work for the effective management of projects Health and safety: how to deveop a responsible attitude among staff to health and safety requirements in a company Sales: the importance of reassuring customers about the security of Internet transactions Business planning: the factors involved in deciding wheter to relocate a retail business Finance: the importance of the role of the external auditor in financial management Career development: the importance of being willing to make long business trips Corporate culture: the importance of all staff understanding the corporate culture of their company Corporate culture: the importance to an organization of encouraging a spirit of innovation Meetings: the factors involved in chairing meetings effectively Training: the importance of allowing junior staff to atttend trade fairs Corporate culture: the importance of keeping all staff informed about possible developments in an organization Recruitment: how to prepare appropriately before interviewing a selection of job applicants Distribution: the importance of ensuring that goods reach the purchaser on time Company structure: the benefits to an organization of employees working together in teams ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### I THINK THIS RAISES A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT ISSUE "WELL, AS I MIGHT HAVE MENTIONED…" I’M AFRAID I DON’T KNOW OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD "HMM, I WONDER WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK?" "OK, SO I THINK YOUR MAIN QUESTION THERE IS…" ALICIA HERE MIGHT BE A BETTER PERSON TO ANSWER THAT. ALICIA? I’M GLAD YOU ASKED ME THAT. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE MATTER? "OK, LET’S TAKÉ THOSE ONE AT A TIME." "SORRY, I DON’T QUITE SEE THE CONNECTION." I’LL FIND OUT. CAN I GET BACK TO YOU ON THAT? "AH, YES, THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME" I THINK THERE ARE SEVERAL QUESTIONS THERE. "I’M AFRAID I’M NOT ABLE TO DICCUSS THAT, BUT…" LET ME JUST CHECK I UNDERSTAND YOUR QUESTION CORRECTLY. I DON’T HAVE THAT INFORMATION TO HAND. "AH, PERHAPS I DIDN’T MAKE THAT CLEAR." "TO BE QUITE HONEST WITH YOU, I REALLY DON’T KNOW."