# a) Find the smallest and largest values of children in the sample. # What is the average of children? # Does any woman have exactly the average number of children? - NO summary children Mean 2.2678 # b) Do the same for the variable educ. summary educ # ? There are more less educated women or more educated women? # mean < median # c) What percentage of woman have electricity in the home? - 14.02% smpl electric ==1 --restrict 611/4361 = smpl --full freq electric # d) Compute the average of children for those with electricity # and do the same for those without. # Comment on what you find. summary children --by=electric # e) Suppose you want to observe how the education affects the fertility rate. # Specify the equation you want to estimate and # use the data to estimate the model using OLS. - children = educ + constant # Interpret the coefficients and test a hypothesis whether educ has any effect on fertility rate. ols children 0 educ ## −0.209650 - 10 additional years of education decreases the number of children by ~ 2 # f) Suppose that, given the level of education, your aim is to determine # how age affects the fertility rate. # Make necessary adjustments to the model and estimate it. # Test hypothesis whether age has significant effect on fertility. ## model: children = constant + educ + age ols children 0 educ age freq age --plot=display series uhat1 = $uhat freq uhat2 --plot=display # plot residuals # g) Test hypothesis whether age and education are jointly statistically significant. # Clearly state the null and alternative hypothesis and the result of the test. H0: B_educ = b_age = 0 H1: B_educ <>0, B_age <> 0