GC SumProduct Pty Ltd Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Go to Table of Contents Primary Developer: Liam Bastick General Cover Notes: This workbook contains a list of Excel keyboard shortcuts. Not all shortcuts work with the various versions of Excel / Windows. "Any queries, please e-mail:" liam.bastick@sumproduct.com Website: www.sumproduct.com ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### C Table of Contents Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Go to Cover Sheet é Section & Sheet Titles Page 1. Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts 3 a. Keyboard Shortcuts 4 Total Pages: 4 ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### SC Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Section 1. Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Go to Table of Contents ç è Section Cover Notes: Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts. ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### GA General Assumptions Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Go to Table of Contents é ç è General Assumptions Set Primary Model Period Type 1 Financial Year End Month 12 Model Start Date 1/1/06 Forecast Periods 20 First Period End Month December First Period End Date 31/12/06 First Period Financial Title Year Model Denomination 2 Notes: 1. "The ""First Period End Date"" only applies to Forecast Output and Forecast Assumptions Sheets based on the ""Month End"" Forecast Sheet Type." 2. "The ""Model Denomination"" assumption will not necessarily automatically change the denomination of the outputs of this model." ##### Sheet/List 5 ##### BA Keyboard Shortcuts Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Go to Table of Contents é ç 546 shortcuts Key Alone Shift Ctrl Alt Shift+Ctrl Shift+Alt Ctrl+Alt Shift+Ctrl+Alt F1 Help What Is… (Help) Excel 2007: Show / Hide Ribbon; Excel 2003: Show / Hide Task Pane Excel 2007: Insert Chart as Object; Excel 2003: Insert Chart as Sheet Insert New Sheet New Macro sheet F2 "Toggle Select, Edit and Enter / Point modes" Insert / Edit Comment Excel 2007: Print; Excel 2003: SHOW.INFO() Save As Save Open Print F3 Paste Names Function Wizard Excel 2007: Open Name Manager; Excel 2003: Open Define Names Dialog Box Create Names Excel 2007: New Name F4 Redo / Edit (F2) Mode: Toggle $ references Find Next (from most recent search) Close Window Close Application Find Previous (from most recent search) Close Application Close Application Close Application F5 GoTo / Refresh File List Find Dialog Restore Window Refresh Refresh All F6 Next Pane Previous Pane Next Window / Workbook Switch to VBA Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (if open already) Previous Window / Workbook F7 Check Spelling Move Window F8 Extend Selection Mode Add to Selection Mode Size Window Run Macro F9 Calculate Now Calc Sheet Minimize Window Recalc Full Recalc Full Rebuild F10 Activate Menus Activate Context Menus (Right Click) Toggle Maximised / Restored Show On-Object User Interface (OOUI) F11 Insert Chart on New Sheet Insert New Worksheet Insert New Macro Sheet Show VBA IDE Show Script Editor F12 Save As Save Open Print Thai Dictionary Add (+) Open Insert Dialog Dialog Box Backspace Edit and Clear Collapse selection to the active cell Scroll to show active cell Undo Click Open Research Pane Decimal Rotates the Active Cell through the corners of the selection Delete Clear Cut Clear Divide (/) Select Array Down Move down one cell Extend selection down one cell Select the last cell in the area down "Open drop-down (auto-complete, filter, or validation)" Extend selection down to last cell in area down Intel Chipset: Invert screen (turn 180 degrees) End Toggle End Mode Toggle End Mode (and extend when you press SHIFT + Arrow key) Selects the last cell in the sheet Extends the selection to the last cell in the sheet Enter Enter value and move down Enter value and move up Fill value in edited cell into all cell and do not move Redo; In Edit (F2) Mode: insert line break Fill value in edited cell into all cells and do not move Escape "Cancel (edit, copy, cut, dialog, etc.)" "Cancel (edit, copy, cut, dialog, etc.)" Bring up Start Menu (overriding an Excel command) Task Manager (Windows - overriding an XL command) Execute Enter value and move down Enter value and move up Fill value in edited cell into all cell and do not move Redo Fill value in edited cell into all cells and do not move Help Help What Is… Home Select the first cell in the row Extend selection to the first cell in the row Select cell to reset window (or pane) Extend selection to the cell that resets the window or pane Insert Toggle Overwrite mode in edit mode Paste Copy Left Move left one cell Extend selection left one cell Select the last cell in the area left Back (hyperlink navigation) Extend selection down to last cell in area left Ungroup Intel Chipset: Turn screen +90 degrees; else: move active cell to previous non-adjacent area within selection Multiply (*) Select current region PageDown Page Down Extend selection page down Next Sheet Page Right Extend selection one sheet down Extend selection Page Right PageUp Page Up Extend selection page up Previous Sheet Page Left Extend selection one sheet up Extend selection Page Left Return Enter value and move down Enter value and move up Fill value in edited cell into all cell and do not move Redo Fill value in edited cell into all cells and do not move Right Move right one cell Extend selection right one cell Select the last cell in the area right Forward (hyperlink navigation) Extend selection down to last cell in area right Group Intel Chipset: Turn screen -90 degrees; else: move active cell to next non-adjacent area within selection Space Select Row Select Column Displays control menu Select contiguous area Subtract (-) Extend Selection Mode Add to Selection Mode Delete Cells Tab Tab forwards (next cell to edit) Tab backwards (previous cell to edit) Next Window Next Application Previous Window Indent Outdent Up Move up one cell Extend selection up one cell Select the cell at top of region "Close drop-down (auto-complete, filter, or validation)" Extend selection up to end of region Intel Chipset: Display screen normally (0 degrees) 0 Hide Column Show Column 1 Format Cells Fixed decimal & comma format 2 Bold (toggle) Time (AM/PM) format 3 Italic (toggle) Date format 4 Underline (toggle) Currency format 5 Strikethrough (toggle) Percentage format 6 "Toggle Show, Hide, and Show Placeholders for Objects" Exponential format 7 Excel 2003: Toggle Standard toolbar visibility Outline border 8 Toggle showing outline symbols Select current region 9 Hide Row Unhide Row ' Excel 2003: Copy above cell and edit Excel 2003: Activates the cell style drop-down or dialog - Delete Cells Remove all borders "," Excel 2003: Edit Style drop down menu (if visible) Fill down . Rotates the Active Cell through the corners of the selection Fill right / Select Array ; Insert current date (in Edit (F2) mode) Select Visible Insert current time (in edit mode) [ Select direct precedent cells Select all precedent cells \ Select unequal cells in row / column of selection Select cells unequal to active cell ] Select directly dependent cells Select all dependent cells ` Formula Auditing Mode General Number Format = Calculate Now Autosum Insert cells A "Select current region, select all" Insert arguments in formula B Bold (toggle) Address Book (only when emailing not as attachment) C Copy D Fill down Excel 2003: Activate Data menu E Excel 2003: Activate Edit menu F Find Dialog Excel 2007: Activate Office button; Excel 2003: Activate File menu Font face G GoTo H Replace Excel 2003: Activate Help menu I Italic (toggle) Excel 2003: Activate Insert menu J K Insert Hyperlink Check Names (only when emailing not as attachment) L Excel 2007: Create Table; Excel 2003: Create List Toggle AutoFilter Reapply Sort / Filter M N New Workbook O Open Workbook Excel 2003: Activate Format menu Select Comments P Print Font size Q R Fill right S Save Send Now (only when emailing not as attachment) T Excel 2007: Insert Table Excel 2003: Activate Tools menu Toggle Total Row U Underline (toggle) V Paste Excel 2003: Activate View menu W Close Window Excel 2003: Activate Window menu X Cut Y Redo Z Undo ##### Sheet/List 6 ##### SC Model Lookup Tables Section 2. Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Go to Table of Contents ç è Section Cover Notes: [Insert section cover note 1] [Insert section cover note 2] [Insert section cover note 3] ##### Sheet/List 7 ##### GL General Lookup Tables Summary of Keyboard Shortcuts Go to Table of Contents é ç Months Lookup Names: Model Period Type Lookup Names: Model Denomination Lookup Names: Month LU_Mths Model Period Type LU_Pers Denomination LU_Denom January Jan Annual Ann $Billions Billions February Feb Semi-Annual Semi_Ann $Millions Millions March Mar Quarterly Qtrly $'000 Thousands April Apr Monthly Mthly $ Currency May May June Jun July Jul Period Names Lookup Names: Time Constants Lookup Names: August Aug September Sep Period Name LU_Per_Names Time Constant October Oct Year Yr_Name 60 Secs_In_Min November Nov Half Year Half_Yr_Name 60 Mins_In_Hr December Dec Quarter Qtr_Name 24 Hrs_In_Day Month Mth_Name 7 Days_In_Wk 52 Wks_In_Yr Model Quarter Lookup Names: 3 Mths_In_Qtr Periods in Year Lookup Names: 6 Mths_In_Half_Yr Quarter LU_Qtrs Q1 Qtr_1 Periods in Year LU_Pers_In_Yr Q2 Qtr_2 1 Yrs_In_Yr Conversion Factor Lookup Names: Q3 Qtr_3 2 Halves_In_Yr Q4 Qtr_4 4 Qtrs_In_Yr Conversion Factor 12 Mths_In_Yr 10 Ten 100 Hundred Model Half Year Lookup Names: " 1,000 " Thousand Yes / No Input Lookup Names: " 1,000,000 " Million Half Year LU_Halves " 1,000,000,000 " Billion H1 Half_1 Yes / No Input LU_Yes_No H2 Half_2 Yes Yes No No