Concept of paper for the exam Seminar paper Exam requirements oPrepare a seminar paper in the form of a scientific article (output type J or D according RVII) oDiscussion about the elaborated seminar paper within the course the Theory of the firm (if possible) oSubmit the completed seminar paper into IS drop-off („odevzdávárna) Seminar thesis (article) Evaluation of publications oRVVI oThe types of results definition on : oThe evaluation of the FEA is related to the rewards here: o Seminar paper oRange of approx. 15-20 pages (not decisive) oTopic: select (invent, modify, mode,…) a model within the theory of the company (marketing, management,…) and then apply this model to your research o oWork structure: oTitle, abstract, keywords, Jel classification oIntroduction oTheoretical framework of the researched issues (results of the review) oMethodology oResults oDiscussion oConclusion, managerial application, research limitations oList of references o oIn the work it is appropriate to use mathematical or statistical methods, including appropriate tests! Title, abstract oThe title must describe the topic (subject of the work) and must be a reflection of the goal oThe title should also make you to read the article oThe abstract is a reflection of the whole article, it is abstract's compression of 200-300 words oThe abstract usually contains the subject and goal of the paper, the characteristics of the research sample, the methods used, the results and especially the contribution of the article Key words, Jel classification oKeywords must correspond to the subject of the article oUsually key (examined) quantities or factors are stated oJel classification (for more details see here: oIt incorporates the article within the economic disciplines, it is usually decisive for determining the opponent or classification of the article Introduction oThe Introduction introduces the topic, research gap and how to solve the selected problem oThe Introduction usually contains the subject and goal of the work oIt is appropriate to quote the references in the Introduction and show that the problem has already been solved somehow, by someone and somewhere, and that how and why you solve it (research gap). oThere are usually no hypotheses or research questions in the introduction, the most suitable methodology is for that oThe Introduction should be conceptual Theoretical framework of the researched issues (review) oHere it is appropriate and necessary to perform an analysis of the researched issues using literary sources oSources should be foreign, scientific (WOS, Scopus), prestigious (cited), the latest ideally oUse the results of the review (if you have already done it) Theoretical framework of the researched issues (review) oIt is best to use query structuring in WOS and Scopus oQuery structuring must be under way via keywords, they must be searched and found (the most suitable) oIt is possible to use keywords from referenced articles oIt is also possible to use google scholar (however, this is a global search, I recommend always going through the first three pages at most) oIt is ideal (via WOS and Scopus) to get around 100 articles, which must then be passed (abstracts), and selected to read and use oIn the case of review, it is necessary to encode them and further work with them according to the review methodology Metodology oWithin the methodology, it is necessary to define the methods used, especially specific and statistical (even with appropriate tests) oIt is appropriate to state in which parts of the work the relevant methods will be used (especially for general methods) oIt is appropriate to define and characterize the research sample oIt is appropriate to construct a model, and the relationships in the model should be in the nature of hypotheses (quantitative research) or research questions (qualitative research) oHypotheses or research questions should be based on the literature oIt is appropriate to indicate how the model or partial relationships in the model will be verified (using which (statistical) methods) Results and Discussion oIn the part devoted to the results, it is necessary to present and characterize the achieved results with emphasis on statistically significant of results oIt is necessary to adjust the model according to the results (if necessary) oIn the discussion, it is appropriate to argue with the literature about the achieved results, including their causes Conclusion, managerial application, research limitations, recommendations oThe conclusion is a reflection of the introduction, ie. that it should briefly include the results, their evaluation and the contribution of the work oThe managerial application should contain recommendations for managers, ie. practical application of the results oThe limitations of research should include its own limitations on research (the author himself admits that he knows where and what are the shortcomings of research) oRecommendations for further research state the directions of further research, ev. recommendations on what to do differently in further research (better)