International Management


As per your assignment, you are required to choose one concept from the course and assess it in one those companies:

  • ABB
  • FNZ
  • Zebra Technologies
  • SIKA
  • Atlas Copco
  • Idea statica
  • Hartmann Rico

This means going through the concept and relating it to the specific company, and its practice, and drawing a conclusion targeting the possible application of this concept.

To begin with, I would suggest choosing a concept that interests you the most and aligns with your research interest. One such concept could be Hofstede's cultural dimensions, which examine how cultural differences impact business practices and management styles in different countries. You can choose a company presented during the course and assess the impact of Hofstede's cultural dimensions on the company's business practices.

The assignment consists of two parts:

1)      USE CHAT GPT to write the short assignment described above (1/2 page)

2)      Add your own assessment of what has chat written. Add a SPECIFIC application in the company, since you know the company in more detail from the lecture (at least three conclusions), and comment on any mistakes/unclear things that CHAT GPT wrote (1/2 page)

Your text:

-          Is not longer than ONE page,

-          include at least one recent research article about the topic (e.g. scientific article from 2021 examining the impact of     Hofstede´s dimension on work productivity in multicultural teams),

-          has to include the references

-          has to be in the folder in IS no later than 14 May

-          OPTIONAL: on the second page you can attach prompts you wrote to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI language model designed to engage in conversations and provide information on a wide range of topics. It can generate human-like responses to questions and prompts.

To use it:

1. it is available on

2. Sign up - you can create your account or you can use your Google or Microsoft account.

3. Write a question or a prompt to the chat box

How to use ChatGPT is best explained by itself with some useful tips:

Please note the limits of AI:

-        Every information generated by AI cannot be considered as true until you verify it

-        It has limited knowledge of world and events after 2021

-        If you provide minimum-effort prompts, you will get low-quality results. You will need to refine your prompts in order to get good outcomes. This will take work.

To cite AI you can include brief statement:

-  "response generated by ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI"


-  (ChatGPT, personal communication, March 11, 2023)

If registration in Chat GPT is not your preference, kindly inform the teacher and to explore alternative solutions to suit your needs.