Adobe Systems 1 MPH_AIMA International Management Obsah obrázku text, exteriér Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems 2 update 16.2. The global business environment 23.2. Cross cultural communication 2.3. The global business environment ABB 9.3. Cross-cultural Communicaton FNZ 16.3. Global HR 23.3. Developing global managers and teams Zebra Technologies 6.4. Developing strategy, entry modes, mergers and acquisitions 13.4. Acquisition SIKA 20.4. Organising for global operations 27.4. Global structure, cross cultural communication, aquisition Atlas Copco 4.5. To be confirmed Idea statica/Hartmann-Rico 11.5. NO CLASSES Adobe Systems •#1611934 3 Adobe Systems 4 Introduction ̶Toray ̶Hyundai ̶ Obsah obrázku text, noviny Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems 5 Environmental variables affecting management functions Adobe Systems 6 What is culture 1.Shared system of values, which as a process leads to automatic solutions of often repeated problems (Schroll-Machl) 2.A set of learnt behaviour, collection of opinions, customs and traditions shared among group of people... (Mead) 3.A set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group (Wikipedia) ̶ Adobe Systems 7 Culture… ̶A set of shared values, understandings, assumptions, and goals that are learned from earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society, and passed on to succeeding generations ̶ Adobe Systems 8 Organisational culture ̶Exists within and interacts with societal culture ̶Varies a great deal from one organization, company, institution, or group to another ̶Represents those expectations, norms, and goals held in common by members of that group McDonald’s in Russia ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems 9 The Effect of Culture on Organizational Process U.S. Culture Alternative Function Affected Individual influences future Life is preordained Planning, scheduling The environment is changeable People adjust to the environment Morale, productivity Hark work leads to success Wisdom and luck are also needed Motivation, rewards Employment can be ended Employment is for a lifetime Promotions, recruitment Adobe Systems 10 Culture’s Effects on Management ̶Convergence - the phenomenon of the shifting of individual management styles to become similar to one another ̶Self-Reference Criterion - the subconscious reference point of one’s own cultural values. Many people in the world understand and relate to others only in terms of their own cultures. ̶Parochialism - occurs, for example, when a Frenchman expects those from or in another country to automatically fall into patterns of behavior common in France ̶Ethnocentrism - describes the attitude of those who operate from the assumption that their ways of doing things are best—no matter where or under what conditions they are applied ̶ Adobe Systems Hofstede’s Value Dimensions > Power Distance •The level of acceptance by a society of the unequal distribution of power in institutions • Uncertainty Avoidance •The extent to which people in a society feel threatened by ambiguous situations • Individualism •The tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate families only and to neglect the needs of society • Collectivism •The desire for tight social frameworks, emotional dependence on belonging to “the organization,” and a strong belief in group decisions • Long term orientation • Indulgence • 11 Adobe Systems 12 Hofstede’s Value Dimensions Power Distance ̶The level of acceptance by a society of the unequal distribution of power in institutions Uncertainty Avoidance ̶The extent to which people in a society feel threatened by ambiguous situations Individualism ̶The tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate families only and to neglect the needs of society Collectivism ̶The desire for tight social frameworks, emotional dependence on belonging to “the organization,” and a strong belief in group decisions ̶Long term orientation ̶Indulgence ̶ Adobe Systems 13 Hofstede’s Value Dimensions ̶ TASK: Compare cultures of you and your neighbor; deduce managerial impacts (motivation, negotiation, behaviour, productivity, flexibility, etc.) Adobe Systems Hall’s Cultural dimensions •Communication context •Proximity •Time 14 Trompenaars’ Cultural dimensions Cultural differences come from: •Attitude to time (1 dimension) •Attitude to the environment (1) •Attitude to other people (5) Adobe Systems 15 Problems with application 1.One dimension contains more aspects 2.Point of view 3.Judgements ̶ Adobe Systems 16 Expat management ̶Case reading Kelly´s assignment in Japan Adobe Systems 17 Communication across cultures Adobe Systems 18 Why to concern? ̶Outsourcing to India – case ̶Delegation of work - France Adobe Systems 19 Cultural Noise in the Communication Process Behavior Attribution American: “How long will it take to finish this report?” American: I asked him to participate. Greek: He is the boss. Why doesn’t he tell me? Greek: “I don’t know, How long should it take?” American: He refuses to take responsibility. Greek: I asked for an order. Adobe Systems 20 Cultural Variables in Communication Three major parts in human face to face communication: 1.55% of impact is determined by body language—postures, gestures, and eye contact, 2.38% by the tone of voice, and 3.7% by the content or the words used in the communication process. ̶ Adobe Systems 21 Nonverbal communication ̶“A picture is worth a thousand words.” ̶Subtle messages account for between 65 to 93 percent of interpreted communication. ̶Minor variations in body language, speech rhythms, and punctuality often cause mistrust and misperception of the situation among cross-cultural parties. ̶ Adobe Systems 22 The Media for Nonverbal Communication ̶Kinesic behavior - communication through body movements ̶Proxemics - the influence of proximity and space on communication—both personal space and office space or layout ̶High-contact cultures: prefer to stand close and to experience a “close” sensory involvement ̶Low-contact cultures: have a “distant” style of body language ̶Paralanguage - how something is said rather than the content ̶Object language/material culture - the way we communicate through material artifacts (e.g. presents!) ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems 23 Context Adobe Systems 24 Management Focus: Oriental Poker Face ̶“Oriental poker face” and “idiotic Asian smile” ̶ ̶ ̶American mask of confidence ̶ C:\Users\Mohamad\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\8EUEOIBY\MCj04324750000[1].wmf C:\Users\Mohamad\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\8EUEOIBY\MCj03343020000[1].wmf Adobe Systems 25 Management focus - Bows in Japan Adobe Systems 26 Czech cultural standards ̶Relationships orientation (prefer relationships to material aspect) ̶Underestimating structures (love for improvisation) ̶Simultaneity (parallel work) ̶Control aims people not rules ̶Diffusion culture ̶High communication context ̶Avoiding conflicts ̶Variable self-confidence ̶ Obsah obrázku text, osoba, lidé, skupina Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems 27 Recommendations ̶Develop cultural sensitivity ̶Anticipate the meaning the receiver will get. ̶Careful encoding ̶Use words, pictures, and gestures. ̶Avoid slang, idioms, regional sayings. ̶Selective Transmission ̶Build relationships, face-to-face if possible. ̶Careful decoding of feedback ̶Get feedback from multiple parties. ̶Improve listening and observation skills. ̶Follow-up actions ̶ Adobe Systems 28 Staffing approach ̶ Adobe Systems 29 Questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Adobe Systems 30 Thank you for your attention!