KEY English 1, semester 1, Autumn 2004 Assignment 5/5 -- deadline: Tuesday, 4 January 2005 (to be collected in seminars) Review -- Units 6 & 7 I. Vocabulary (20 pts.) Translate into English. 1. zisk před zdaněním - profit before tax / pre-tax profit 2. uvést podmínky úvěru - (to) state credit terms 3. vystavit směnku na (koho) - (to) draw a draft/bill of exchange on (sb.) 4. přístavy nakládky a vykládky - ports of loading/shipment and discharge 5. trvat na okamžité platbě -- (to) insist on prompt payment 6. nevyrovnané dluhy/účty - outstanding accounts / unsettled debts 7. vyvolat ten správný dojem - (to) create the right impression 8. přenosný přístroj - (a) portable device 9. podle dodacího listu - according to the delivery note 10. bude odečteno při nákupu - (it) will be / is refundable against purchase II. Prepositions (12 pts.) Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. 1. Is the tool suitable for severe winter conditions? 2. Cash with order is quite usual with mail order, where you pay by using a credit card. 4. We´ll be still working on the report at 6 pm. 5. Don´t disturb me for the next two hours, I´m going to discuss _-_ our proposals with the boss. 6. Why can´t their trading practices comply with generally accepted rules? 7. I won´t arrive in Damascus until/till late in the evening. 8. Maintenance will be carried out if there are no orders. III. Transformation (20 pts.) Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the original ones. Start with the words given. 1. Mr. Pierson asked: "Why don´t you raise fares?" Mr Pierson asked why we/they didn´t raise fares. 2. The suppliers probably supplied us with wrong components. We appear to have been supplied with wrong components. 3. If the price rises, demand will fall (and vice versa). Unless the price falls, demand will fall, too. 4. Trade within the NAFTA is simpler thanks to the existence of a free trade are. The free trade area has made the trade within the NAFTA simpler. 5. "We´re going to stay here till tomorrow." they announced. They announced that they were going to stay there till the next day. IV. Translation (18 pts.) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Celníci jsou pověřeni prohlížením zboží, kontrolou dovozních licencí a výběrem cla. Customs officers are authorized to examine/check the goods, check import licences and charge duty. 2. S ohledem na tyto okolnosti bychom rádi obdrželi ujištění, že při nedodržení termínu dodávky nám bude nabídnuta sleva. In view of these circumstances, we would like to receive (your) assurance that we will be offered a discount if the date of delivery is not met / complied with. 3. Nevyžaduje se od vás provedení platby, dokud vaši dodavatelé nevyexpedují zboží. You are not required to make payment until your suppliers have dispatched the goods. Total: 70 points