Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: BOOST, DISPENSE, SHRINK, SATURATE, TRACK, SMOOTH, BOAST, EXPAND, SUBSCRIBE, EXTEND 1. The machine _________ a range of drinks and snacks. 2. I don’t want ________, but I can actually speak six languages. 3. The system for ________ sales needs updating. 4. The deadline has _____________ to next Friday. 5. Their profits have _______ to nothing. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: 1. She came ___ a new idea for increasing sales. 2. He picked ____ the phone and dialled the number. 3. Trade associations have been set ____ to promote trade. 4. They give financial backing as well as advice ____ production and marketing strategies. 5. The job is great ___ terms ____ salary, but it has its disadvantages. Make sentences from the verbs in brackets: 1. Don´t phone them now. (might/ lunch) ....................................................................................... 2. I ate too much, now I feel sick. (should/eat/much) ................................................................................................. 3. I wonder why Tom didn´t phone me. (must/ forget) ..................................................................................................... 4. Why did you go home so early? (need/go/home so early) ........................................................................................................... 5. You´ve signed the contract (it/ can/ change/now) ................................................................................................. 6. What´s Linda doing? I´m not sure (might/ watch TV) ...................................................................................................... 7. Laura was standing outside the cinema (must/ wait/ somebody) ........................................................................................................................ 8. He was in prison at the time that the crime was committed. (could/ do it) .................................................................................................................................. 9. Why weren´t you here earlier. (should/be/here earlier) ....................................................................................................... 10. Why didn´t you ask me to help you? (would/ help/ you) ......................................................................................................... 11. I´m not suprised you weren´t told that the road was dangerous. (should/warn/ about it) ...................................................................................................................... 12. Gary was in a strange mood yesterday. (might/feel/very well) .................................................................................................................. Complete B´s sentences using can/could/might/must/should/would in different forms: 1. A: I´m hungry. B: But you´ve just had lunch. You can´t be hungry already. 2. A: I haven´t seen our neighbours for ages. B: No, they ...................................... away (go). 3. A: What´s the weather like? Is it raining? B: Not at the moment, but it ............................... later.. (rain) 4. A: Where has Julia gone? B: I´m not sure. She ...................................... to the bank. (go) 5. A: I didn´t see you at Michael´s party last week. B: No, I had to work that night, so I ....................................... . (go) 6. A: I saw you at Michael´s party last week. B: No, you .................................. me. I didn´t go to Michael´s party. (see) 7. A: What time will we get to Sue´s house? B: Well, it takes about one and half hours, so if we leave at three o´clock, we ................................................. there by 4,30. (get) 8. A: When was the last time you saw Bill? B: Years ago. I ..................................................... him if I saw him now. (recognise) 9. A: Did you hear the explosion? B: What explosion? A: There was a loud explosion about an hour ago. You .......................................... it. (hear). 10.A: We weren´t sure which way to go. In the end, we turned right. B: You went the wrong way. You .................................................. left. (turn)