Unit 14 – Revision o Translate: (2 points per expression, total 20 points) naúčtovat poplatek – _____________________________________________ upsat akcie – ____________________________________________________ mít zisk z provizí – _______________________________________________ trvalý příkaz – ___________________________________________________ umořit dluhy – __________________________________________________ to make secured loans – ___________________________________________ balance between yield and risk – _____________________________________ lenders and borrowers – ___________________________________________ excellent credit standing – __________________________________________ takeovers and mergers – ___________________________________________ o Give the correct terms: (3 points per term, total 12 points) money invested in a bank account that pays interest but usually cannot be used for paying cheques; notice is required to withdraw money = an instruction to a bank to pay fixed sums of money to certain people or organizations at stated times = a commercial bank dealing with individual customers and small businesses = a form of security, especially an impersonal form of security, such as life-assurance policies or shares, used to secure a bank loan = o Prepositions: (1 point per preposition, total 6 points) money spent _______ goods and services the prime rate _______ which loans are made banks trade _______ money to deposit money _______ a bank account to charge high fees _______ little secure borrowers o Translate the sentences: (7 points per sentence, total 14 points) Komerční banky se starají o vklady, poskytují půjčky a směňují peníze; úroková míra, kterou banky účtují, závisí na úvěrovém postavení vypůjčovatele. Internetové bankovnictví dovoluje klientům provádět finanční transakce, jako například placení faktur, převody peněz nebo zřizování trvalých příkazů, po internetu z jejich domovů. Maximum = 52 points A: 48 – 52 pts D: 36 – 39.5 pts B: 44 – 47.5 pts E: 32 – 35.5 pts C: 40 – 43.5 pts F: less than 32 pts. Your total score: points