1. Which terms are defined below? 1. advertising agency 2. brand preference 3. focus group 4. word-of-mouth-advertising 5. poster 6. brand loyalty 7. brand awareness 8. brand - switchers 9. publicity 10. competitors 11. samples 12. media plan 2. Translate the following sentences from Czech into English. 1. Ke kterému typu podpory prodeje bývají lidé, podle vašeho názoru, nejvnímavější – ke kupónům nabízejícím snížení ceny, k rozdávání vzorků zdarma nebo k množstevním slevám? Which type of sales promotion are people, in your opinion / in your view / from your point of view, the most perceptive / receptive – to coupouns giving price reduction, giving away / distributing / giving out free samples or discounts for buying a large quantities / bulk discounts? 2. Firmy musí své výrobky a služby nejen neustále rozvíjet, ale musí je i přitažlivě nacenit a zpřístupnit svým cílovým zákazníkům. Not only do the companies have to keep developing their products and services, but they have to price them attractively and make them accessible to their customers. 3. Zisk firmy se obvykle rozdělí třemi způsoby: na daň ze zisku, nerozdělený zisk a podíl ze zisku. Company profit is usually split three ways: into corporation tax (Br.E) / income tax (US), dividends and retained earnings. 4. Tržní kapitalizace firmy zahrnuje víc, než jen hodnotu jejích čistých aktiv, protože tento údaj neobsahuje nehmotné prvky jako je dobrý pověst firmy. A company´s stock market capitalization is usually more than the value of its net assets, because this figure does not include intangible elements such as goodwill. U14 1a/85 1. overdraft 2. credit card 3. cash dispenser 4. loan 5. standing order 6. mortgage 7. cash card 8. home banking 9. current account 10. deposit account 2c/88 1. deposit 2. foreign currencies 3. yield 4. liquidity 5. maturity date / due date 6. to underwrite 7. takeover 8. merger 9. stockbroking 10. portfolio management 11. deregulation 12. conglomerates 13. blue chip 14. solvency 15. collateral GRAMMAR HANDOUT A 1b; 2a; 3d; 4d; 5c B 1A (was); 2D (will); 3c (had); 4B (get); 5C (if) C 1 If; 2 will; 3 didn’t; 4 if; 5 was; 6 throw; 7 if D 1. Unless someone is willing to help, the party is not likely to (OR will not) happen. 2. If only she had been wearing / had worn a crash helmet, she would / might / could have excaped injury. 3. Even though she could be very difficult, I still loved her. 4. Whether you like the idea of not, we’re leaving tomorrow. 5. I’m sorry, but if the traffic hadn’t been so bad, I wouldn’t have arrived late. E 1. If anyone asked me 2. if he was 3. If he does that 4. if he loses 5. If that happens to him 6. If that is the result 7. If he doesn’t really fight 8. unless he’s an idiot