TeSt 1 I Management Part One: Vocabulary Which of these terms are defined below? allocate application form autonomy board of directors decentralization factory functional organization headhunters job description job security line authority logistics manual labour manufacturing industry matrix management merchandise motivate resources multinational salary negotiate objectives short list skilled personal personnel strike subordinates planning supervise promotion tertiary sector 1 2 3 4 5 their department i working conditions, or to protest about something employees under someone else's authority or control freedom to determine one's own behaviour and actions people who attempt to engage senior managers and executes for ,ob vacancies by them from other companies raising someone to a higher grade job the extent to which a job can be considered as permanent commumcations, the part of the economy mcludmg services, commerce, marketing, banking, transport, health care, education, and so on 14 to assign or designate resources for a particular purpose 15 to give an incentive to someone, to encourage © Cambridge University Press 2002 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 tt) Test 1