LINKING EXPRESSIONS Exercise 1. Choose the correct version. 1. Amanda will get her birthday card in time, as long as / so long you send it today. 2. It looks as although / as though it's going to rain. 3. Nina left work early for / so she could go to the dentist. 4. In addition / besides to a spacious apartment in Manhattan, the family owns a house in the South of Spain. 5. It was so / such an awful film that many people left the cinema halfway through it. 6. They managed to win the match, as a result / even though they played really badly. 7. Schools and businesses stayed open yesterday despite / in spite the terrible weather. 8. Patrick did very well in most of his exams. Although / However , he failed his German exam and will have to take it again in September. Exercise 2 1. They are reducing bus and train fares in order / so as to encourage more people to use public transport. 2. Since / Therefore we have got an hour until the plane leaves, let's go for a coffee. 3. Even so / Even though Pamela is still at school she's already a bestselling novelist. 4. You can use my laptop computer, as long / provided you promise to take very good care of it. 5. Mrs Smith wants to go snorkelling in Florida this summer, however / whereas Mr Smith wants to go and play golf in Scotland. 6. As / Though Julian had the necessary qualifications, he didn't get the job. 7. The photography exhibition was a great success in the United States. The organizers have decided, so / therefore , to take the exhibition to the UK. 8. Studying a second language can be very good for your career. As well as / Furthermore , it can introduce you to fascinating cultures. Exercise 3. Choose the correct epression to fill in the gap. 1 Polls show that Tony Blair is the most popular Prime Minister this century. ______________ , there are even members of his own party who are uneasy with his approach. In particular However For instance 2 There are some slight variations in temperature, but ________________ 26 to 27ÂșC should be expected. consequently otherwise as a rule 3 The two main Channel Islands, ________________ Jersey and Guernsey, are much closer to France than to England. for example namely in particular 4 It was announced that nurses' working hours would be increased by 25%. ______________ , even fewer trainee nurses are expected to join the profession. As a result So that Likewise 5 Sales of CDs have experienced a small but steady fall over the past 12 months. _____________ , vinyl records have seen an increase in their share of the market, up to 1.7%. Above all Correspondingly In contrast 6 The Vice Chancellor explained that in light of the current financial climate and because of unexpected bad debts, it would be necessary to peg salary levels at their current level for all grades of staff. ______________ , no-one was getting a pay rise. Nevertheless In other words Similarly 7 It is clear, therefore, that the situation in Brazil will improve only slowly. ______________ the economic problems being experienced in Japan, the outlook is slightly more optimistic. Furthermore In comparison With reference to 8 In order to try to reduce car use in the inner cities, the government has announced new restrictions on company parking spaces and ______________ , a new tax on individual car use. as well as in addition in the same way 9 Essays must be handed in by the deadline, ______________ they will not be marked. obviously otherwise as a result 10 ______________ it has been shown that fractures can occur at even relatively low pressures, the use of the material should not be completely discounted. Nevertheless Because Even though