Unit Test 5 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. Vocabulary: Employment trends 1 Complete these newspaper headlines with the words below. Tenure / wage / manual / promotion / mobile / perks / power / teleworking / management / stability / atmosphere / service 1 THREE HUNDRED MORE ____________ SECTOR JOBS TO GO 2 FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS TO REPLACE EMPLOYMENT _____________ 3 GOVERNMENT TO INCREASE MINIMUM ______________ 4 EXPANSION OF EU TO INCREASE ______________ WORKFORCE 5 UNIONS SUFFER DECLINE IN BARGAINING ______________ 6 REPORT SHOWS JOB ____________ STILL LESS FOR WOMEN 7 LACK OF SKILLED ____________ WORKERS LEADS TO HIGHER CHARGES 8 MORE MIDDLE ____________ POSITIONS CUT AT TTL 9 FEWER ____________ AND BONUSES FOR FAT CATS? 10 OLDER EMPLOYEES LOSE OUT AS ______________ OPPORTUNITIES FAVOUR THE YOUNG 11 MUSIC CAN AID FRIENDLY WORK ______________ SAYS STUDY 12 MIGRATION TO _______________ SLOWS AS EMPLOYEES REPORT FEELINGS OF LONELINESS Language Review: Linkers and inversion for emphasis 2 Re-write these sentences using the words given in brackets. 13 I lost my job and I know the person who took it. (Not only…but also…) __________________________________________________ 14 You get a pay rise when you prove yourself. (Only when…do you…) __________________________________________________ 15 I have rarely worked harder. (Rarely…) __________________________________________________ 16 You shouldn’t press delete. (On no account…) __________________________________________________ 17 There’s been growth this year but we still haven’t returned to the levels of two years ago. (Despite…) __________________________________________________ 18 Many people are moving away because of factory closures in this area. (As a result…) __________________________________________________ Business Skills: Resolving conflict 3 Match the two halves of these sentences. 19___ 20___ 21___ 22___ 23___ 24___ 25___ 26___ 19 Let me see 20 From your point of view 21 Do I understand correctly that what 22 You say we need to spend more. 23 Let me make sure 24 I’m sorry, I missed that. 25 Sorry to have interrupted. 26 I see your point but a Have I got that right? b Could you please repeat it? c the situation looks like this… d Please go on. e if I follow you. f you’re saying is…? g I understand you. h here’s how it looks from my angle. Business Skills: Direct emails 4 Re-write these email sentences using the words given to make them less direct and more polite. 27 Where’s that report? I’d / grateful / you / send / report / soon / possible. __________________________________________________ 28 Here’s the report. Please / attached / copy / report __________________________________________________ 29 I’ve been busy sorry / I’ve / rather / __________________________________________________ 30 Send me your comments. I / forward / receive / your / near future __________________________________________________