What Do Interest Rates Mean and Is Their Role in Valuation? Dagmar Linnertová Measuring Interest Rates n Different debt instruments have very different streams of cash payments to the holders q Cash flows n With very different timing q Thus, it is important to understand n How we can compare the value of one kind of debt instrument with another before we see how interest rates are measured. q Concept of present value Present value n It is base on simple idea q Dollar of cash flow paid to you one year from now is less valuable to you than a dollar paid to you today. n This is true because you can deposit a dollar in a saving account that earns interest and have more than dollar in one year. q Simple loan § In this loan, the lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds (principal) that must be repaid to the lender at the maturity date, along with an additional payment for the interest. § At the end of on n year, your 100 $ would turn into: Present value q Simple loan n In this loan, the lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds (principal) that must be repaid to the lender at the maturity date, along with an additional payment for the interest. § At the end of on n year, your 100 $ would turn into: q The amounts you would have at the end of each year by making the 100 $ loan today can be seen in the following time line: Present value n This time line tells you that q for you is 100 in today equal as 110 in year 1 and equal as 121 in year 2, etc. n The process of calculation today’s value of dollars received in the future is called discounting of future: Present value n The concept of present value is extremely useful because q You are able to figure out today’s value of credit market instrument at a given simple interest rate i by adding up the present value of all the future cash flows received. q The concept of present value allows you to compare the value of two instruments with very different timing of their cash flows. Four Types of Credit Market Instruments n A simple loan q In which lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds, which must be repaid to the lender at the maturity date along with an additional payments for the interest. q Money markets instruments n Commercial loans to businesses Four Types of Credit Market Instruments n A fixed-payment loan (fully amortized loan) q The lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds, which must be repaid by making the same payment every period (such a month), consisting of part of the principal and interest for a set of year. q Money markets instruments n Installment loans (such a auto loans) and mortgages Four Types of Credit Market Instruments n A coupon bond q It pays the owner of the bond a fixed interest payment (coupon payment) every year until the maturity date when a specified final amount (face value) is repaid q The coupon payment is so named because the bondholder used to obtain payment by clipping a coupon off the bond and sending it to the bond issuer who then sent the payment to the holder Four Types of Credit Market Instruments n A coupon bond is identified by three pieces of information. n Corporation or government agency that issues bond n Maturity date of the bond n The bond’s coupon rate expressed as a percentage of the face value of the bond q Money markets instruments q Treasury bonds, corporate bonds Four Types of Credit Market Instruments n A discount bond (zero-coupon bond) q It is bought at a price below its face value (at a discount) and the face value is repaid at the maturity date. q A discount bond does not make any interest payments, it just pays off the face value Four Types of Credit Market Instruments n These four types of instruments require payments at different times: q Simple loans and discount bonds make payment only at their maturity dates q Payments loans and coupon bonds have payments periodically until maturity Four Types of Credit Market Instruments n How would you decide which of these instruments provides you with more income? q They all seem so different because they make payments at different times. q To solve this problem it is necessary to use the concept of present value. Fixed-Payment loan n This type of loan has the same cash flow payment every throughout the life of the loan. n On a fixed-rate mortgage, for example, the borrower makes the same payment to the bank every month until the maturity date, when the loan is completely paid off. n It is necessary to equate today’s value of the loan with its present value. n Because the fixed-payment loan involves more than one cash payment, the present value of the fixed-payment loan is calculated as the sum of the present values of all cash flows. Coupon Bond n The calculate the yield to maturity for a coupon bond, follow the same strategy used for fixed-payment loan: q Equate today’s value of the bond with its present value. q Because coupon bonds also have more than one cash flow payment, the present value of the bond is calculated as the sum of the present values of all the coupon payments plus the present value of the final payment of the face value of the bond. Coupon Bond n For any coupon bond Coupon Bond Coupon Bond n 1. When the coupon bond is priced at its face value, the yield to maturity equals to coupon rate, n 2. The price of coupon bond and the yield to maturity are negatively related, that is, as the yield to maturity rises, the price of the bond falls. If the yield to maturity falls, the price of the bond rises. n 3. The yield to maturity is greater than the coupon rate when the bond price is below its face value. n As you can see the valuation of a bond and the yield to maturity are negatively related. n As I, the yield to maturity, rises, all denominators in the bond price formula must necessarily rise. n Rise in the interest rate as measured by the yield to maturity means that the value and the price of the bond must fall. n Another way to explain why the bond price falls when the interest rises is that a higher interest rate implies that the future coupon payments and final payment are worth less when discounted back to the present and thus, the price of the bond must be lower. n The third fact, that the yield to maturity is greater than the coupon rate when the bond price is below its face value. When the yield to maturity rises above the coupon rate, the bond price necessarily falls and so must be below the face value of the bond. Perpetuity or consol n There is one special case of a coupon bond that is worth discussing because its yield to maturity is particularly easy to calculate. n This bond is called a perpetuity or a consol. q It is a perpetual bond without any maturity and repayment of principal that makes fixed coupon payments of X $ forever. Perpetuity or consol n The price of a perpetuity is simplifies to following: Perpetuity or consol Discount Bond n The yield-to-maturity calculation for a discount bond is similar to that for the simple loan. n Generally, for any one-year discount bond, the yield to maturity can be written as: Discount Bond n In other words, the yield to maturity equals the increase in price over the year F – P divided by the initial price P. n In normal circumstances, investors earn positive returns from holding these securities and so they sell at a discount, meaning that the current price of the bond is bellow the face value. n Therefore, F – P should be positive, and the yield to maturity should be positive as well. n An important feature of this equation is that in indicates that for a discount bond, the yield to maturity is negatively related to the current bond price. n However, this is not always the case q Japan n Normally interest rates must be always positive n Negative interest rates would imply that you are willing to pay more for a bond today than you will receive for it in the future n Negative interest rates therefore seem like an impossible because you would do better by holding cash that the same values in the future as it does today n In November 1998, Japan, interest rate of Japanese six-months T-bills became negative, yielding an interest rate -0,004 %, with investors paying more for the bills than their face value. q Weakness of Japanse economy and a negative inflation rate have driven Japanese interest rate to low levels, but they can explain the negative rates n The answer is that large investors find it more convenient to hold these six-months bills as a store of value rather than holding cash because the bills are denominated in large amounts and can be stored electronically. n These advantages of the Japanese T-bills result in some investors being willing to hold them, given their negative rates, even though in monetary terms the investors would be better off holding cash. n Clearly, the convenience of T-bills only goes so far and thus their interest rates can go only a little bit bellow zero. The Distinction Between Real and Nominal Interest Rates n So far we have ignored the effects of inflation on the cost of borrowing. n Real vs. nominal interest rate n Real interest rate q Adjusted by expected changes in the price level n Reflects the true cost of borrowing n Ex ante interest rate q It is adjusted for expected changes in the price level q “real” interest rate The Distinction Between Real and Nominal Interest Rates n Fisher equation q States that the nominal interest rate is equal the real interest rate + the expected rate of inflation q When the real interest rate is low, there are greater incentives to borrow and fewer incentives to lend. q The distinction between real and nominal interest rates is important because the real interest rate, which reflects the real cost of borrowing, is likely to be a better indicator of the incentives to borrow and lend. q It is appear to be a better guide to how people will be affected by what is happening in credit markets. The Distinction Between Real and Nominal Interest Rates The Distinction Between Real and Nominal Interest Rates n U.S. Treasury bill, shows that nominal and real interest rates often do not move together. n In particular q Nominal rates were high in the 1970’s n Real rates were extremely low, often negative q By the standard of nominal interest rates, you would thought that credit market conditions were tight in this period because it was expensive to borrow. q The estimation of the real rates indicate that you would have been mistaken. In real terms, the cost of borrowing was actually quite low. The Distinction Between Interest Rate and Returns The Distinction Between Interest Rate and Returns n The return on a bond is the current yield ic plus the rate of capital gain g n Returns will differ from the interest rate especially if there are sizable fluctuations in the price of the bond that produce substantial capital gains and losses. The Distinction Between Interest Rate and Returns The Distinction Between Interest Rate and Returns n Table calculates the one-year return on several 10% coupon rate bonds when interest rates on all these bonds rise from 10% to 20%. q The only bond whose return equals the initial yield to maturity is one whose time to maturity is the same as the holding period q A rise in interest rates is associated with a fall in bond prices, resulting in capital losses on bond whose terms to maturity are longer than the holding period q The more distant a bond’s maturity, the greater the size of the price change associated with an interest-rate change q The more distant a bond’s maturity, the lower the rate of return that occurs as a result of the increase in the interest rate q Even though a bond has a substantial initial; interest rate, its return can turn out to be negative if interest rates rise The Distinction Between Interest Rate and Returns n A rise in the interest rate means that the price of a bond has fallen. n A rise in interest rates therefore means that a capital loss has occurred, and if this loss is large enough, the bond can be a poor investment indeed. Maturity and the Volatility of Bond Returns: Interest-rate Risk n The findings that the price of longer-maturity bonds respond more dramatically to changes in interest rates helps explain an important fact about the behavior of bond markets: q Price and returns for long-term bonds are more volatile than those for shorter-term bonds. n Price changes of +20% and -20% within a year. With corresponding variations in returns, are common for bonds more than 20 years away from maturity. Maturity and the Volatility of Bond Returns: Interest-rate Risk n The riskiness of an asset’s return that results from interest-rate changes q Is called interest-rate risk n Although long-term debt instruments have substantial interest-rate risk, short-term debt instruments do not. q Bonds with a maturity that is as short as the holding period have no interest-rate risk. Maturity and the Volatility of Bond Returns: Interest-rate Risk n The statement that there is no interest rate risk for any bond whose time to maturity matches the holding period is literally true only for discount bonds and zero-coupon bonds that make no intermediate cash payments before the holding period is over. n A coupon bond that makes an intermediate cash payment before the holding period is over requires that this payment be reinvested is uncertain, there is some uncertainty about the return on this coupon bond even the when the time to maturity equals the holding period. q The riskiness of the return on a coupon bond is typically quite small Maturity and the Volatility of Bond Returns: Interest-rate Risk n The key to understanding why there is no interest-rate risk for any bond whose time to maturity matches the holding period is to recognize that the price of the holding period is already fixed at the face value. n The changes in interest rates can then have no effect on the price at the end of the holding period for those bonds, and the return will therefore be equal to the yield to maturity known at the time the bond is purchased. Summary n The return an a bond, which tell you how good an investment it has been over the holding period, is equal to the yield to maturity in only one case: q When the holding period and the maturity of the bond are identical n Bonds whose term to maturity is longer than the holding period are subject to interest-rate risk: q Changes in interest rates lead to capital gains and losses that produce differences between the return and the yield to maturity known as the time the bond is purchased. q Interest-rate risk is especially important for long-term bonds, where capital gains and losses can be substantial. n This is why long-term bonds are not considered to be safe assets with a sure return over short holding periods.