PRESENTATION SCORE SHEET – PRESENTATION ONE Student Name:________________ Judges´ Name: Veronika Tománková Total score: 36 Your score: ________ Criteria Below Standard 1 point Approaching Standard 2 points Meets Standard 3 points Exceptional Achievement 4 points C O N T E N T Introduction Attention getter Needs improvement or not existent Attention getter lacks spark; introduction abrupt Attention getter is interesting; appropritate; sets the tone Attention getter is unique; appropriate Other comments on introduction: Personalization Needs improvement or not existent Fails to convince the audience the topic is of relevance and personal interest Personalization convincing and credible Manages to convince the audience to try out the product, service, etc Other comments on introduction: Speech Body Grammar Transitions Organization Disorganized; very poor grammar; no transitions; ideas choppy Somewhat organized & logical; significant errors in grammar; transitions inconsistent or missing Organized in logical sequence; mostly correct grammar; smooth transitions Uniquely insightful and engaging; organized in logical sequence; flawless grammar; smooth transitions Other comments on speech body: Conclusion Clarity Appropriateness Lacks conclusion Included but somewhat irrelevant or inconsistent with speech body Clear and consistent with speech body; sense of completion Uniquely insightful; makes a lasting impact on audience Other comments on conclusion: Question and Answer Session Knowledge Poise Inconsistent, unclear answers; shows limited knowledge & no deeper understanding Inability to answer critical questions; shows some knowledge but limited understanding Answers all simple questions; difficult questions show noteworthy and emerging understanding Answers questions with ease and expertise; show clear understanding Other comments on question and answer session: D E L I V E R Y Voice Quality Inflection Volume Pace Lacks voice inflection; difficult to hear; speaks too fast or mumbles Some voice inflection; can hear most of the time; uneven pace, may go too fast or slow at times Expressive voice; appropriate volume; mostly even pace Skillfully uses voice inflection; projects voice well; clear articulation; even pace Other comments on voice quality: Poise/Delivery Body Language Attitude Eye Contact Nervous body language; lacks enthusiasm; shows great discomfort in speaking; uneven pace; limited eye contact Somewhat relaxed delivery with minor signs of nervousness; limited but present enthusiasm; uneven pace; limited eye contact Good posture, calm delivery; somewhat enthusiastic; eye contact with minimal note reading or looking away Relaxed body language; enthusiastic; confidence in speaking; consistent effective use of eye contact Other comments on poise/delivery: O T H E R Visual Quality Appropriateness Lacks visual; minor errors; not large enough; not used effectively One visual; minor errors; not large enough; not used effectively One visual; large enough to read; no errors; polished appearance Multiple visuals; attractive design; professional appearance Other comments on visuals: Speech Length Much shorter than required Shorter than required Longer than required Within the limit