Shv/*r ttw$Aj fair /9ťS feůX&AtHt~\/tď*7hfi7'j rS/MATRA J>0Cr/?jfs/£%?J fkpítWÉri^f/i^ctK 6ť-éhJe*k f9$0 *W 1*170, ecčaetcfr/K*,/ <^f/áČ', o F Gť/i Jhaery * ro/c a.u.ívkomici fltee OF &MMUtíldT PtetY čkjTtfr m/ihj fitTKf}, -fair /lye*;* é ř6t>rbíul^u^hůK \ fái hulii+g jút/e. jeucrtiy drrr?*4 £faew ir/t) • 6. Appendix: The Conjuncture of 1989 in Eastern Europe INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT -changes in the Soviet Union -world economic factors Role of the individual (Gorbachev) interplays and interacts with STRUCTURAL CRISIS OF THE STATE -economic crisis -social structural crisis induces '-. induces POLITICAL CRISIS -elite splits (reformers versus hard-liners) A f Role of the I individual e (i.e. Jakes, a Ceausescu, d Jaruzelski S ---- increases- Revolutionary situation -possible political and social transformation Role of the individual i.e. Havel, Walesa informs C h a u Autonomous n i Dissent organisational n n of the groups * e t masses (dissidents) I 0 I A t • • e d * ■ • fuels Western communications penetration -'domino' effect -comparative economic disadvantage -rights and freedom I n f O f m s Ideology -challenge from heterodox ideas, values and beliefs (i.e. Havel's philosophy, notions of rights and freedoms, the 'idea of the west', the 'market'/market economy, liberal democracy, gfasnost and perestro/'ka from the Soviet Union Case 1 Case 2 Case n a d g b e h c I i X X X y y y Overall differences Crucial similarity Figure 8.1 Mill's Method of Agreement. Key: x = causal variable; y = phenomenon to be explained. Source: Skocpol and Somers (1980: 184). The uses of comparative history in macrosodal inquiry. Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(2). © Cambridge University Press. 222 Conclusion Positive Negative case(s) case(s) a a b b c c X not x y not y Overall similarities Crucial difference Figure 8.2 Mill's Method of Difference. Key: x = causal variable; y = phenomenon to be explained. Source: Skocpol and Somers (1980: 184). The uses of comparative history in macrosodal inquiry. Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(2). © Cambridge University Press.