Introduction to MS Dynamics ERP NAV 5.0 SP1 in concise clauses = part one Created by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 6.10.2010 Reason : Concise instrument helping in tuition and study 1. Menu->application areas 2. Windows – Card <–> List and Header and Lines (Form and Subform) and basid characteristics. How to open more windows- active window – what it is ? 3. Keyboard shortcuts |: F5 (list from card ) and Shift-F5 (card from list) 4. Basic explanations of 4 main windows displaying main data tables of ERP 4.1. Customer 4.2. Vendor 4.3. Item 4.4. General Ledger Account 5. Keyboard shortcuts |: F6 (Lookup, Drill Down and Option) 6. Entries and its specifications and how they are created : 6.1. Customer Ledger Entry ->calculation field explanation 6.2. Vendor ledger Entry 6.3. Item Ledger Entry 6.4. G/L Entry 7. Keyboard shortcuts : Ctrl-F5 (from Card to Entries) 8. Navigation tool and the meaning of it (effect and causes) 9. Help and its use 10. Date entry : t=today, ddmmyy (061010->6.10.2010 without full stops) 11. Date formula : D=day, W=Week, Y=Year , 14D=2W, ….help 12. Relation of above mentioned date formula to payment term (as an example of use of it) 13. Filtering in the system ( F7 – field filter and how to find all possibilities in help) 14. Searching 15. Sorting 16. Entering data into cards (its fields) and lists (its fields) 17. Keyboard shortcuts : F2 – Edit 18. How to enter new record (table record) 19. Keyboard shortcuts : F3 – New 20. Structure of the chart of accounts – (grouping into group of similar account) and meaning of IAS,IFRS,GAAP- see our remark about Uniform System of Accounts use in Hotel industry 21. Receivables-Payables from chart of account window 22. See balance of chosen account and its related G/L entries