International marketing promotion/communication * The Role of Promotion * Promotion * Communication to build and maintain relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences * Overall role of promotion is to stimulate demand by * building and enhancing customer relationships. * focusing customers on information about company activities and products. * promoting programs that help selected groups to build goodwill. * sponsoring special events that generate positive promotion of an organization and its brands. Integrated Marketing Communications * Integrated Marketing Communications * Coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive effect * Major goal is to send a consistent message to customers Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Promotion Personal Selling Sales Promotion Public Relations Direct Promotion Advertising PRODUCT PRICE PLACEMENT COMPANY Adapted or standardised? 345270_la_17_02 The Communication Process what to adapt or standardize in intern.MKT? Cultural context A Cultural context B Promotion and the Communication Process: Key Terms * Communication * A sharing of meaning; the transmission of information * Source is a person, group, or organization with a meaning it tries to share with an audience * Receiver is an individual, group, or organization that decodes a coded message * Coding process (encoding) is the converting meaning into a series of signs or symbols * Medium of transmission is the the means of carrying the coded message from the source to the receiver • * Decoding process is the conversion of signs or symbols into concepts and ideas * Noise is anything which reduces a communication’s clarity and accuracy * Feedback is the receiver’s response to a message * Channel capacity is the limit on the volume of information a communication channel can handle effectively GOALS OF PROMOTION: * c17t01 Awareness knowledge liking preference conviction purchase SAME OR DIFFERENT ABROAD? SAME OR DIFFERENT ABROAD? Push and Pull Channel Policies * Push Policy * Promoting a product only to the next institution down the marketing channel * Pull Policy * Promoting a product directly to consumers to develop stronger consumer demand that pulls products through the marketing channel * Major Decisions in Advertising SAME OR DIFFERENT? fg Mission Money Media Message “6 M’s of Marketing Communication (John Quelch) Measurement “Market” (target segment EXAMPLE – MEDIA - NEWSPAPER * Norway – 4mil.inh. •1 daily morning newspaper * Uruguay – 3 mil. inh. •21 daily newspaper * Turkey •380 daily newspaper – political position of each of them * Japan • 5 national daily newspaper Geograph. cover - national vs regional/local, Character – serious vs ???????? Separation between editorial and advertising content Advertising – TV and radio * Prime time * State(national) channels vs private vs satellite vs digital * Law – regulation and restrictions • (EU – misleading advertisement) * Share and reach - TV vs radio * Personal selling - example * „A Briton visits a Saudi official to convince him to expedite permits for equipment being brought into the country. The Saudi offers the Briton coffee, which is politely refused (he had been drinking coffee all morning at the hotel while planning the visit). The latter sits down and crosses his legs, exposing the sole of his shoe. He passes the documents to the Saudi with his left hand, enquires after the Saudi´s wife and emphasises the urgency of getting the needed permits.“ (GHAURI, P., CATEORA, P., 2006). * 5 MISTAKES OF SILENT LANGUAGE Selling orientation (USUNIER, J.C., 2006) * Hard vs sell aproach •collective sollution or and individual benefit? Customers´s friend Problem solver Soft sell Order taker Hard sell Concern for achieving the sale Concern for the customer Examples of pers. selling aproach * Germany – hard sell – be persistent, mak visits, offer trials, be very visible,have numbers and facts * UK – sof sell – do not be pushy, try to chat and convince – but also with hard facts * Italy – hard sell – argue strongly * Japan - sof sell – no win arguments but modest, rational and down-to earth points Types of Consumer Sales Promotion Activities * Coupons * Price discounts (cents off) * Buy this, get that packs * 25 percent more free * * * Contests * Consumer * Premiums * Samples * Free use in B2B * Loyalty rewards * ADAPTATION? Types of Trade Sales Promotion Activities * Temporary price reduction * Increased margin * Trade deals “buy 6 ship 8” * Annual sales volume rewards * Be careful about anti-trust * * * Contests (sales force) * ADAPTATION??? Sales promotion - examples * Italy – authorizes lotteries and sweepstakes where prizses are not in cash but in kind * France – no purchase is allowed to enter the competition * Scandinavia – every promotion has to be approved by an official body * Inflation rate and value of coupons * Free sample – a sing of poor quality? * Free sample and gifts – theft in channel? Christmas commercials round the world – standardisation or adaptation? * * * * * * * * * * * •