Grafické zobrazení příkladu RETURN MANAGEMENT J.Skorkovský KPH Modrá lokace CRONUS Zákazník storage%2520unit Glass_Door 2007107221321 istock_000002571083small Já chtěla dřevěné.. ale je to moje chyba Zobrazit obrázek v plné velikosti Skříňky jsou poničeny. Je to Vaše chyba 54648_1_468 Modrá lokace CRONUS Zákazník storage%2520unit Glass_Door 2007107221321 istock_000002571083small 2009-04-07-businessman Ok, vyměníme za dřevěné, ale zaplatíte 5% původní částky za naskladnění a vyskladnění Zobrazit obrázek v plné velikosti Modrá lokace CRONUS Zákazník storage%2520unit Glass_Door Zobrazit obrázek v plné velikosti Já si je nechám a opravím, ale chci 15% slevu 54648_1_468 superman Jak si přejete. Náš zákazník, náš pán !! Nastavení RETURN MANAGEMENT Returns Management Chapter 9 – page 176, 8362a_9.pdf • Overview •Setting up Returns Management •Managing Returns from Customers • Overview The Sales Return Order Management and the Purchase Return Order Management granules offer an optimal solution to companies that strive to achieve responsive customer service by implementing cost-efficient customer and vendor return policies. Specifically, the application provides a functionality that is characterized by the following key features: • Rapid response to customers’ requests • Flexibility • Traceability and overview • Automation of the return to vendor process Nastavení – Setup – základní Return Reason Codes Sales & Marketing – Order Processing – Setup – Return Reasons In addition to sing up the return reasons code and its description, you can also link a default location code to it. If you place a check mark in the Inventory Value Zero field, inventory increases, such as sales return orders or purchase orders, are valued at zero cost (except in the case of standard costing). This is relevant in the case of repair of a customer's item. Since the item is the customer's property, it must not be included in the inventory value. Úkoly spojené s vratkami na prodejní straně –externí procesy • Registering a compensation agreement with the customer • Shipping a replacement item(s) to the customer (if replacement is part of the compensation agreement) • Crediting the customer (either by means of a credit for physically returned items or a sales allowance where the customer is not required to physically return the items) • Shipping a repaired item(s) to the customer (if repair is a part of a compensation agreement) • Follow-up on the return status (in case of customer inquiries) Úkoly spojené s vratkami na prodejní straně – interní procesy • Receiving returned items and inspecting them (if relevant) • Applying restock charges • Shipping returned items to the vendor for repair (nákup !!!) • Ensuring the accurate inventory value of the returned items