3 © Sortčr KmÍia/ /9fS fótiX&AtHeWďXT/ů/ý^ ^fKMmtssih* Ó^ŮacI^^uér} fi(oM/Aú ^^ec^t 4> n C o y o a z ti 6. ňí/thj $i*f3l ~f&tr rtymj* ^rixcAx4s<Ů^ \ V. L -fc&L MthY+g júu&L éexartČcj Árrrxt Appendix: The Conjuncture of 1989 in Eastern Europe INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT -changes in the Soviet Union -world economic factors Role of the individual (Gorbachev) interplays and interacts with STRUCTURAL CRiSIS OF THE STATE -economic crisis ■social structural crisis induces *, induces a d s t o POLITICAL CRISIS -elite splits (reformers versus hard-liners! increascs- Role of the individual (i.e. Jakes, Ceausescu, Jaruzelski Revolutionary situation -possible political and social transformation Role of the individual Le. Havel, Walesa informs C h a Autonomous organisational groups (dissidents) n í n n Dissent of the masses 4......e t I 0 I c d f u eis Western communications penetration -'domino' effect -comparative economic disadvantage -rights and freedom I n f o r m s Ideology -challenge from heterodox ideas, values and beliefs (F,e. Havel's philosophy, notions of rights ana freedoms, the 'idea of the west', the 'market7market economy, liberal democracy, glasnost and perestroika from the Soviet Union Suttrop1 h/ií4oK Case 1 Case 2 Case n a d g b e h c f i X X y y y > Overall differences Crucial similarity Figure 8-1 Mill's Method of Agreement. Key: x - causal variable; y - phenomenon to be explained. Source: Skocpol and Somcrs (1980: 184). The uses of comparative history in macrosodal inquiry. Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(2). © Cambridge University Press. 222 Conclusion Positive Negative case(s) casets) a a b b c c X not x y not y Overall similarities Crucial difference Figure 8.2 Mill's Method of Difference. Key: x - causal variable; y = phenomenon to be explained. Source* Skocpol and Somcrs (1980: 184). The uses of comparative history in macrosodal inquiry. Comparative Studies in Society and History 22(2). © Cambridge University Press.