Business Process Management Michal Krčál An Introduction to BPM • •Form couples, watch the video and discuss the content (10 minutes) •My question for the couples will be: “What is BPM?” Business Process Management •holistic management approach focused on aligning all aspects of an organization with the wants and needs of clients. It promotes business effectiveness and efficiency while striving for innovation, flexibility, and integration with technology. BPM attempts to improve processes continuously. It can therefore be described as a "process optimization process." BPM lifecycle bpm lifecycle What are the benefits? • •10 benefits How does it look like? •BPMS vs. ERP •Intalio, Oracle, IBM… •BPMS = covers the BPM lifecycle • • • How about ERP? •Is BPMS more flexible? - WHY? • •Or we can look at this problem from another POV? • Source: presentation of professor Vesna Bosilj Vuksic, Summer School Ljubljana 2011 Chicken or the egg? •Is reengineering only the tool or is it the purpose? •Opinions on purpose –To implement ERP –To change processes Example in the second session