Essay  Topics   1. Financial  development  and  economic  growth  –  are  they  connected?     2. Why  financial  markets  are  regulated?     3. Advantages  and  disadvantages  of  Bretton  Woods  global  financial  system.     4. How  to  differentiate  rational  bubbles  in  asset  prices  from  speculative  ones?   5. How  speculative  asset  bubbles  might  be  predicted?   6. Is  there  an  exorbitant  privilege  for  euro?     7. The  role  of  rating  agencies  in  the  global  financial  crisis  of  2007-­‐2010.     8. The  causes  of  the  2007-­‐2010  global  financial  crisis.     9. Global  financial  system  based  on  US  dollar:  there  is  the  end?     10. Bretton  Woods  and  post-­‐Bretton  Woods  financial  systems:  which  one  is  better?     11. Financial  innovation  –  an  opportunity  for  financial  development  or  cause  of    bankruptcies  and   financial  crises?     12. How  global  financial  crisis  affected  the  financial  system  of  the  Czech  Republic?     13. How  global  financial  crisis  affected  the  financial  system  of  China?     14. How  global  financial  crisis  affected  the  financial  system  of  Russia?     15. China  –  is  a  world’s  future  economic  power  or  just  one-­‐time  wonder?     16. Corruption  and  transparency  in  modern  China  and  Russia.  How  they  affect  financial  development?   17. The  command  economy  system  in  Soviet  Russia  and  Maoist  China.  What  was    similar?  What  was   different?     18. The  strategies  of  economic  reforms  in  the  Czech  Republic  and  China.     19. Capital  markets  of  the  Czech  Republic  and  modern  Russia.     20. Regulation  of  financial  markets  in  the  Czech  Republic  and  modern  Russia.     21. Privatization  process  in  the  Czech  Republic  and  Russia.     22. Privatization  process  in  Russia:  what  went  wrong?     23. How  to  reduce  poverty?  Experience  of  China.     24. Economic  transformation  in  the  Czech  Republic  and  China:  which  one  was  more    successful?     25. Banking  system  of  the  Czech  Republic  and  Russia:  foreign-­‐owned  vs.  state-­‐owned.     26. Banking  system  of  China  and  Russia:  two  degrees  of  state  domination.     27. Chinese  banking  system:  extremely  complex  or  incredibly  simple?     28. Banking  system  of  China  and  Russia:  key  vulnerabilities.     29. Non-­‐performing  loan  problem  in  the  Czech  Republic,  China  and  Russia  during  the  last  twenty  years:   which  situation  is  worse?     30. Banking  system  of  China  and  Russia:  key  challenges.     31. Banking  system  of  the  Czech  Republic  and  Russia:  key  challenges.     32. Chinese  stock  market:  opportunities  and  weaknesses.     33. Prague  Stock  Exchange:  opportunities  and  weaknesses.     34. Is  financial  system  of  China  sound  and  safe?     35. Is  financial  system  of  Russia  sound  and  safe?     36. Is  financial  system  of  the  Czech  Republic  sound  and  safe?     37. Key  factors  of  Russia’s  economic  development:  opportunities  and  weaknesses.     38. Key  factors  of  China’s  economic  development:  opportunities  and  weaknesses.     39. Starting  conditions  of  the  economic  transformation  in  the  Czech  Republic  and  China:  similarities  and   differences.     40. The  1998  Russian  financial  collapse:  a  wake-­‐up  call  or  a  missed  opportunity?     41. Drivers  of  the  economic  growth  in  the  Czech  Republic,  China  and  Russia:  which    situation  is  better?     42. Capital  market  of  the  Czech  Republic  and  China:  are  they  related?     43. Capital  market  of  the  Czech  Republic  and  Russia:  are  they  related?     44. Chinese  and  Russian  capital  markets:  are  they  related?       Every   topic   might   be   chosen   by   five   students   only.   Other   essay   topics   might   be   added   after   the   consultation  with  teachers.