Assignment of the seminar work MPH_AOMA Reason : A beginning for the winter term was set to 17.9.2012 but a beginning of the contact tuition is 1.20.2012 due to construction works . So this work substitutes two lessons which will be not held . Assigned by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 13.9.2012 Deadline : work should be sent by mail to below specified addresses by Monday 1.10.2012 at latest Extent : min 4 pages A4 Comment. : the work will be presented to Your colleagues and teacher during first lesson. Please use very concise power point presentation in order to speed up presentation time (max 3 minutes) Name : Your choice Assignment : Imagine any enterprise of your choice which you know or which you created by use of your own imagination in your minds. It could be for instance a company purchasing and selling any kind of goods, production company, company providing services and so on and so on. This is fully your responsibility to say what kind of model company you will very briefly specify and use. Every company can be often split up to different co-operating departments such as purchase and selling departments , accounting department , production and logistics departments or research and development. This departments are often considered as a cost centres. Every company uses some software package or more packages for accounting, logistics, production control, selling and customer relationship management and so on. Some of them may use one bigger package called Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). Mind you, that there are a lot of relationships among cost centres !!! You can easily presume, that in every company you can find for sure at least one process , which goes wrong or will go wrong , meaning, that every problem is always caused by badly setup of some parameters such as payment condition, badly setup of credit limit levels for customers, incorrect time for production operations, bad setup of the safety stock levels and so on and also some outdated or obsolete management methods are often applied such as bad production planning algorithms, incorrect setup times, outdated operations or inappropriate management methodologies. You can see bad management decisions or use of old machines or not satisfied employees or ….or…or….., you see what I have in my mind. And now your fictional task assignment : a) Which methods you will use to find or fictive problems? How you will do it? b) Which metrics you will use for an evaluation of discovered problem? To measure an importance, extent of the problem and so on ? The main reason for measuring is, that everything must be somehow measured in order to evaluate it and manage it better later. c) Based on your personal choice define one or more parameters which have to be improved such as e.g. low delivery date performance, long lead production times, crippled cash flow, high payables or receivables, bad quality of your product, low level of provided services and so on. Fully your choice. There are many, many more. d) Try to suggest how you will improve the situation. Try anything. Try to find a causes of the problems. How you will do it? Everything is based on your imagination! Try to see what you will do, if such a situation will be real (one day it will be reality for sure). If you will not understand in this very moment a terminology which I have used above, do not be afraid. Use your own words. Please, do not contact me till the first lesson. And do not be afraid to create a seminar work. You can do it even with a few experiences. Believe me, that the result will be excellent. And mind you, that I will not take a level (evaluation) of your seminar work into consideration at the end of the term. Only an existence of the work will be taken into consideration. Nice day to all of you Skorkovský : a