Exercise session 2 Course: Introductory Econometrics Lecturer: Dmytro Vikhrov Date: September 23, 2014. Problem 1 Use wage1.gdt for this exercise. First, do the tests by hand, then use GRETL built-in calculator (Tools− >Test statistic calculator) to confirm your results. 1. Obtain descriptive statistics on female wages and interpret it. 2. Setup one-sided and two-sided tests that the average wage equals some arbitrary constant. Do formal testing at 5% significance level. Interpret your results. 3. Construct 95% confidence interval for the average female wage. Provide intuition for your result. Problem 2 Repeat the above exercise for the variance of female wages. Problem 3 Perform a two-way test for the equality of male and female mean wages. Re-do the test for the equality of variances. Provide intuition.