Transformation – results © Libor Žídek Economic growth in Czechoslovakia 1950-1989, and trend line Real changes of GDP between 1990 and 2004 (in %) Changes in GDP, private consumption and gross fixed capital formation 1990- 2004 (in %) Real GDP growth in CR and the European Union between 1989 and 2004, 1989 =100 Economic growth and growth trend in the Czech Republic 1990-2004 Development of real wage – index (1990=100) and year to year change (in %) – right scale Change in labour productivity in industry (in %) 1990-2004, and average growth of productivity in the period GDP per capita in the Czech Republic 1989 – 2004, according to the exchange rate and purchasing power parity (in US dollars) Parameters of intensity and extensity in the Czech economy in % 1995-2005 Growth accounting: supply side decomposition of real GDP growth in selected EU countries in 1996 – 2013 Production gap of Czech economy 1995–2005 An estimation of the size of the grey economy for selected countries at the turn of the years 1999/2000 (as a percentage of official GDP) Labor market in years 1990–2004 (as of December, 31) Cumulative changes in the rate of employment (1989 = 100) Membership in trade unions (percentage of the labour force) Inflation rate – annual increase of average consumer price index in the CR (previous year = 100) CPI growth in 1991 Assessment of market supply in ČSFR, spring 1990 – spring 1992 Causes of inflation Growth in price level and excess of growth of M2 above growth of real GDP (1996-2007) Turnover velocity of M2 1990-1998 The central bank targets and the real development in 1993–1997 Comparison of inflation in the CR, selected transition economies (1989 = 100) Price level of final consumption by private households in the Czech Republic (EU 27= 100) Inflation, cumulative growth in price level and growth of prices of the selected goods 1989-2004 (average price at the end of the year) Price level of final consumption by private households in the Czech Republic (EU 27= 100) Branch structure of Czech production (percent of current prices) between 1990 and 2004 Changes in gross industrial output per year (%) and on cumulative basis (1989=100) between 1989 and 2004 Shares of domestic and foreign companies in the Czech non-financial production between 1993 and 2004 Ratio of GVA produced in high and high-medium technology manufacturing sectors to GVA in medium-low and low technology manufacturing sectors GDP per capita in PPS (1990=100)…