Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV XI. Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Simplified Warehouse Management (WM) •Use of location White-see setup next slides •WM creates another types of entries than Item Ledger Entries, Reservation Entries or Value Entries – Warehouse Entries •Causes of these entries are another stock operations : –Receipt –Put-away –Pick –Shipment Main WM Outline PO Item WHR WHR=Warehouse Receipt; PA=Put-away; PO=Purchase Order; SO=Sales Order Receive Zone Bin W_08_001 (B0) (Receiving Bin) Bin PutPick B1 B2 Bn PA Picking Zone Pick Shipping Zone WHS S0 Bin W_09_001 ( E ) (Shipment Bin) Location White I Location White II Setup if ID exists and we have to assign warehouse employee PO and Open->Release Creation of the Warehouse Receipt WH Receipt (F11->PA created) Receipt bin content PO Lines after WH Receipt was posted You can show a column there Action /Take-Place) Registering Put-aways (F11) Warehouse Entries Posting PO (only Invoice) Sales Order 10=5+5 Creation of Warehouse Shipment Before WH S creation change SO status from Open to Released !! WHS Document and Pick Creation Created Pick W-03-0001 W-09-0001 Before Registering … Enter Quantity to Handle WH Shipment document How to get there from SO ??? SO –Post only Invoice See next slide Warehouse Entries Comment : use filter F7=Item No.=1896-S in order to only Item used in our model!!! End of the section XI.