Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV XV. Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Lot numbers (batches)-Item Tracking •It enables to mark Item Ledger Entries by Lot (Batch) Number, which is part of the batch card. It enables : –Item tracking from purchase, possible subsequent production , transfers and sales –It enables to control quality and better specification of rejects (scraps) –It enables to control warranty and expiration – • New card creation 150 New card creation Purchase X100 Item tracking lines Data entered by user Lot Number Cards You can use the Navigate function to find where the lot number is used in documents and ledger entries. Will be shown later !! Post PO and Item Ledger Entries Sales Order Item tracking lines Chosen by use of F6 and stored by ESC Item ledger entries after SO was posted and Application worksheet Applications Item Tracing You can use this window to find the posted documents where an item-tracked item or where a particular lot or serial number was used. You might use this feature for quality control to find which lot a defective component came from or to find all the customers to which a particular lot was sold. End of the section XV.