1 Interest and Tax • Consider that you deposit on your saving account $1,000.00. The interest rate is 4 % p. a. The interest period is one year. Every year you have to pay the tax from earned interest (at the end of the year). The tax rate is 15 %. What is the value on your bank account after 5 years? Note! Tax is paid only from received interest, NO FROM THE PRINCI- PAL! FV = 1000 ∗ (1 + 0, 04 ∗ 0, 85)5 FV = 1181.95977 FV = PV (1 + r (1 − T)) n • Take the same example if the interest periodis quarterly. FV1 = 1000 ∗ ((1 + 0.04 4 )4 − 1000) ∗ 0.85 + 1000 . . . after one year the FV will be 1034.51341 FV2 = 1034.51341 ∗ ((1 + 0.04 4 )4 − 1000) ∗ 0.85 + 1000 . . . after second year the FV will be 1070.21799 FV3 = 1034.51341 ∗ ((1 + 0.04 4 )4 − 1000) ∗ 0.85 + 1000 . . . after third year the FV will be 1107.15486 FV4 = 1034.51341 ∗ ((1 + 0.04 4 )4 − 1000) ∗ 0.85 + 1000 . . . after fourth year the FV will be 1145.36665 FV5 = 1034.51341 ∗ ((1 + 0.04 4 )4 − 1000) ∗ 0.85 + 1000 . . . after fifth year the FV will be 1184.89705 or an easier way: FV 0,5 = 1000 ∗ (((1 + 0.04 4 )4 − 1) ∗ 0.85 + 1)5 . . . is ;) FV = PV (((1 + rannual m )m − 1)(1 − T) + 1)n T . . . Tax rate m . . . number of interest periods in one year (in one Tax pariod) n . . . number of years (number of Tax periods) Note! The effect of the number of interest periods (more IPs generate greater FV). 2 Effective Interest Rate In order to have the same impact on the future value of capital at varying interest periods, we use the EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE. 1 • The annual interest rate is 5 %. Your bank calculates the interest on the monthly basis. What is the future value of your 10,000.00 after one year? FV = 10000 ∗ (1 + 0.05 12 )12 = 10511.619 The same effect on the future value must be reached if we use the effective interest rate. The calculation of effective interest rate: ref = (1 + rannual m )m − 1) Proof: ref = (1 + 0.05 12 )12 − 1) = 0.0511619 FV ref = 10000 ∗ (1 + 0.0511619) = 10511.619 3 Continuous Interest If the number of interest periods goes to infinity then we speak about continuous interest calculation. The expression is: Let PV=1, than the FV in one year will be if Limm→∞(1 + r m )m −→ Limm→∞ (1 + 1 m r ) r m r = er Through the usage of the effective interest rate we can achieve the same effect on the FV, as in the discrete calculation (simple, compound). FV = PV eft Note. Instead of interest rate, we use the term interest intensity (f). The relation between the effective interest rate and the interest intensity is following: ref = ef − 1 then, f = ln(ref + 1) In our example: f = ln(1.0511619) = 0.0489612 FVcontInt = 10000 ∗ e0.0489612 = 10511.619 4 Tax payment by the continuous interest FVcontInt = PV ∗ ((ef − 1) ∗ (1 − T) + 1)n 2 5 Effect of inflation The Purchasing Power Parity of our money will be lower. To take the effect of inflation in account we use it as a discounting factor. 1. Situation when inflation is constant in average df = 1 (1 + πaveragen)n 2. inflation is different every year df = 1 (1 + π0,1)(1 + π0,2)(1 + π0,3) ∗ ... ∗ (1 + π0,n) 3. Inflation is constant and we use the concept of continuous calculation. Inflationintensity . . . fΠ = ln(AnnualAverInflation + 1),then df = 1 efπ Our pevious example with 4 Interest Periods in one year, interest rate 4 % p. a., 5 years to maturity and continuous interest + continuous inflation (if the approximation of an annual average inflation is 1.7 %) will be: fΠ = ln(1, 017) = 0.01685712 ref = (1 + 0.04 4 )4 − 1 = 0.04060401 f = ln(1, 04060401) = 0.03980132 FV Π = 1000 ∗ e(0.03980132−0.01685712)∗5 = 1121.56051 6 The effect of Tax and Inflation Note! Tax is paid from the nominal interes, first then the effect of inflation can be considered. FVconT axInfla = 1000 ∗ ((e0.03980132 − 1) ∗ 0.85 + 1)5 ∗ e−0.01685712∗5 = 1089.12031 3