MS Dynamics NAV most frequently used hot keys Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy F3 (create new) •Create new object (card, line,…) Sales Order already created by somebody else. You have to pout cursor into the header area and by use of F3 you will get new empty forms. By subsequent press key Enter you create automatically new document number F5-List •You display list of objects such as Item cards, Customers, Vendors, Created documents,… By use of F5 you will get a list of chosen objects Shift-F5 (from List to Card) •„Jump“ from List to one concrete object which was chosen from the list Ctrl-F5 (from Card to Entries)-I. •From chosen objet such as Item, Customer, Vendor, General Ledger Account to Entries (results of posting document by F11) Ctrl-F5 (from Card to Entries)-II. •From chosen objet such as Item, Customer, Vendor, General Ledger Account to Entries (results of posting document by F11) F9 Statistics I. •You can display by F9 Statistics of chosen objet such as e.g. Sales Order, Purchase Order, Customer, Vendor, Item and so on F9 Statistics II. •You can display by F9 Statistics of chosen objet such as e.g. Sales Order, Purchase Order, Customer, Vendor, Item and so on F11-Posting •You can Post chosen objects (Sales and Purchase orders, Credit notes, Transfer orders and so on.... The main impact of F1 is creation of set of entries such as e.g. Customer Ledger Entry, Item Ledger Entry and G/L Entry F6-Look up •You can go from field marked by below depicted Icons to the list from where you can chose required object