Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV XVII. (Credit Memo) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Credit Memo •Credit Memo-(Further CM) definition (terminology) and effects • • –is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer. The seller usually issues a credit memo for the same or lower amount than the invoice, and then repays the money to the buyer or sets it off against a balance due from other transactions. – –A Credit Memo lists the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller provided the buyer, but the buyer returned it or did not receive it or received incomplete, damaged, or incorrect. – – – • Business model •Let´s prepare some data in order to show CM basics –Create new item Z100 (Description Lever) –Costing Method : FIFO –Basic Unit of Measure : Pcs – Created Item card (see Intro IV.) See Sales Setup A check mark in this field indicates that the program will not allow a return transaction to be posted unless the Appl.-from Item Entry field on the sales order line contains an entry. This function is used when the company wants to apply an exact cost reversing policy in connection with sales returns. This means that the sales return is valued at exactly the same cost as the original sale when being put back on inventory. If an additional cost is later added to the original sale, the program updates the value of the sales return respectively. Purchases •Purchase from Vendor 10000 •1st Purchase 10 pcs, Direct Unit Cost Excluding VAT= 4,0 and Location=Blue •2nd Purchase 10 pcs, Direct Unit Cost Excluding VAT= 8,0 and Location=Red •See Vendor Ledger Entries •See Item Ledger Entries • Purchase Order One Purchase Order Two Entries Item Ledger Entries VendorLedger Entries General Ledger Entries Credit Memo Credit Memo -Header Credit Memo -Lines Credit Memo Posted CM Entries after CM was posted VendorLedger Entries Item Ledger Entries Another method of CM creation Show field Appl-to Item Entry and by use of F6 make a choice, which entry will be credited. You have firstly manually enter Item Number , Location and quantity Only Czech course BPH_PIS2 !!!! Created CM Next step is to apply Vendor document by use of Apply Entries =Shift—F9 Only Czech course BPH_PIS2 !!!! Applied Entries window Only Czech course BPH_PIS2 !!!! Entries Only Czech course BPH_PIS2 !!!! End of the section XVII. Přihlásit se Používáte-li nástroj pro čtení obrazovky, vypněte Dynamické vyhledávání Google kliknutím sem. Internet Obrázky Videa Zprávy Nákupy Více Vyhledávací nástroje Bezpečné vyhledávání Výsledky hledání RemixYourHealth Workout Series: The Show Stopper | RemixYourHealth × 400-Vyhledávání pomocí obrázku So two weeks ago I introduced you to the ridiculousness that was “The Shredder” workout. Did you try it? How'd it go? If you made it to the end of the ... Navštívit stránku Zobrazit obrázek Související obrázky: Zobrazit další Na obrázky se mohou vztahovat autorská práva.-Odeslat zpětnou vazbu Not Dead Yet Radio | Podcast featuring Tommy Bateman & Alex Corolla × 280-Vyhledávání pomocí obrázku Tommy starts the show off in an unusual fashion. He announces the show is ending. The time he puts in isn't worth the “rewards” he's getting. Navštívit stránku Zobrazit obrázek Související obrázky: Zobrazit další Na obrázky se mohou vztahovat autorská práva.-Odeslat zpětnou vazbu G4 Cancels 'Attack of the Show,' 'X-Play' - Hollywood Reporter × 318-Vyhledávání pomocí obrázku Attack of the Show Logo (2) - H 2012 Navštívit stránku Zobrazit obrázek Související obrázky: Zobrazit další Na obrázky se mohou vztahovat autorská práva.-Odeslat zpětnou vazbu