Basic production algorithms and its main concepts Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. and various listed resources Department of Corporate Economy Main concepts •MRP=Material Requirements Planning (push) •MRP_II=Manufacturin Resource Planning (push) •APS = Advanced Planning and Scheduling •JIT = Just In Time (pull) •TOC (Drum Buffer Rope) (push-pull->combined) – will be prezeneted in another session of this course • BOM=Bill Of Material (structure of the product) A 100 300 400 200 B 500 300 600 100 300 400 Component Product|Semiproduct •Independent demand for products and semi-products and dependent for components •Planning backwards from production schedule (independent) to dependent- demand components -without statistically calculated Reorder Point (ROP)– see next lesson and next slide as well •IF ROP is not taken into consideration – MRP is PUSH system -> it computes schedule of what should be started (pushed) into system, that authorize production as inventory is consumed (ROP will be explained later in this session) 0,1,2,,..Low Level Codes Push system Supplier1 Supplier 2 MRP|ERP Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 3 Operation 4 Customer 1 Customer 2 FG warehouse Component warehouse Forecast Purchase orders ROUTING Take it ! PUSH and PULL •PUSH : production jobs (production orders) are scheduled: MRP and MRP_II= Manufacturing Resource Planning –often not feasible plans are generated and problems are often detected too late (rejects, lack of components,..) –used fixed lead times=LT (see next slide) do not depend on capacity utilization –Having in mind , that production is random process, Lead Time is very pessimistic constant – – • •PULL : production jobs (production orders) starts are triggered by completion of another job (JIT-see later in this session) Black box t=start of the job t+LT=end time of the job (where LT=constant) Determination of the Reorder Point (ROP) •ROP=expected demand during lead time + safety stock 20 50=ROP 50-20=30 LT =Lead time Expected demand=30 Determination of the Reorder Point (ROP) (home study) •ROP = expected demand during lead time + z* σdLT • where z = number of standard deviations and • σdLT = the standard deviation of lead time demand and z* σdLT =Safety Stock • aan Example (home study- also Pareto analysis and ABC model simplified- PWP will be shown later) •The manager of a construction supply house determined knows that demand for sand during lead time averages is 50 tons. •The manager knows, that demand during lead time could be described by a normal distribution that has a mean of 50 tons and a Standard Deviation of 5 tons (σdLT ) •The manager is willing to accept a stock out risk of no more than 3 percent Example-data (home study) •Expected lead time averages = 50 tons. •σdLT = 5 tons •Risk = 3 % max •Questions : • –What value of z (number of standard deviations) is appropriate? –How much safety stock should be held? –What reorder point should be used? – Example-solution (home study) •Service level =1,00-0,03 (risk) =0,97 and from probability tables you will get z= +1,88 – – See next slide with probability table Probability table Example-solution (home study) •Service level =1,00-0,03 =0,97 and from probability tables we have got : z= +1,88 •Safety stock = z * σdLT = 1,88 * 5 =9,40 tons •ROP = expected lead time demand + safety stock = 50 + 9.40 = 59.40 tons •For z=1 service level =84,13 % •For z=2 service level= 97,72 % •For z=3 service level = 99,87% (see six sigma) – Schematic of MRP BOM On-hand inventory Scheduled receipts MPS MPS=Master Production Schedule Netting – Lot Sizing –Time Phasing –BOM Exploding Production Orders (jobs) Purchase orders Exception and change notices Net requirement =Gross requirement – Stock in hand – Purchases + Sales + Safety Stock Lot sizing= divide netted demand into appropriate lot sizes to form jobs (see LLC) and EOQ PWP show (later) Time Phasing = offset the due dates of the jobs with lead times to determine start times (Due Date-Lead time = Start of the job) MRP matrix calculation (see related xls file in study material) •Parameters –Gross requirements •Derivied from Master Production Scheduled or Planned order releases of the parent BON (finished good) –Scheduled receipts •On order (issued) and scheduled to be received –Projected on hand •Anticipated quantity on hand at the end of the period –Net requirement •Net requirement =Gross requirement – Stock in hand – Purchases + Sales + Safety Stock –Planned order receipts •When order need to be received (documents are not issued) –Planned order releases •When order need to be placed to be received on time • • MRP matrix example 1 MRP basic calculations Lot-for lot - ordering exact quntity needed Lead Time =1 - time to get item from the moment the purchase order is issued or to make it Master Production Schedule Part A Projected on hand 1 2 3 4 5 Gross Requirements 85 95 120 100 100 MRP Part A 1 2 3 4 5 Gross Requirements 85 95 120 100 100 Scheduled Receipts Is already issued 175 Projected on hand (POH) 25 115 20 0 0 0 Net requirements 0 0 100 100 100 Planned order receipts 100 100 100 Planned order releases 100 100 100 Period Action 1 25+175-85=115=POH 2 POH=115-95=20 3 Cannot cover GR, so we have to release one PO for 100 one period earlier in order to get it in period 3 3 Net req=120-20 =100, POH in period 3=120-20-100=0 4 Net req =100-0=100-POH=100, so we heave to release one PO one period earlier in order to cover demand in period 4 5 Similar to period 4 (home study) period period MRP matrix example 2 MRP Part A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross Requirements 20 30 50 50 60 90 40 60 Scheduled Receipts Is already issued 50 Projected on hand (POH) 40 20 40 40 40 30 0 10 0 Net requirements 10 10 20 60 40 50 Planned order receipts 50 50 50 60 50 50 Planned order releases 50 50 50 60 50 50 Period Action 1 Can be covered from POH and new POH=40-20=POH-GR=20 2 In period 2 GR can be covered by POH and SR, but next period where GR=50 will be not covered, so POR must be released in per 1 (LT=2) 3 We have got 50, POH=40, so altogether we have 90 nad after demand is covered only 90-50=40=POH 3 Net req=50-40=10 in order to cover demand in period 4, but we can released only 50 or more, so in period 2 another 50 is released 4 Demand is covered by receipt 50 and POH =10 but for the next period net req=60-40=20 5 Net req= 60-40=20, so demand in period 5 can be covered by POH=40+ quantity X, which have to be ordered 2 period earlier 5 Quantity X can 50 or more. So take it 50 as sufficient quantity, and POH =30=40+50-60 6 To cover demand in period 6 we need at least 90 and we have only 30 in POH, so 90-POH=90-30=60 have to ordered 2 period earlier 6 POH-90-60-30=0; Ner req=90-30=GR-POH=60 , which is reason why we have ordered 60 two period earlier 7 Net req= 40 because 40-0=GR-POH=40. To cover it we have to order two period earlier 50 8 and so on (home study) Benefits of MRP •Low levels of in process inventories •The Ability to keep track of material requirements •A means of allocating production time •The ability to easily determine inventory usage by backflushing (see explanantion below) Process of determining the number of parts that must be subtracted from inventory records. This number is computed by referring to the number of parts withdrawn from the inventory (and delivered to the shop-floor) and the number of parts assumed (according to the BOM) to have been consumed in a manufacturing line at one or more deduct points. MRP_II =MRP + resource capacity planning MPS Demand management Rough-cut capacity planning BOM MRP Scheduled receipts Job pool Capacity requirement planning Job release Routings (operations) Job dispatch MRP addresses the supply chain while MRPII includes manufacturing. BOM in MS Dynamics NAV Routings in MS Dynamics NAV Capacity of resources in MS Dynamics NAV •Toyota Motors and Taiichi Ohno •Production based only on demand •Lower inventory costs •The concept behind it is that a company can save money on parts and components---by not have having to store them--- if they are delivered to the assembly line just in time to be installed on the car as it is being built. • Operation (Job1) Authorization to start Job 2 Controlling parameter DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM Operation (Job2) Operation (JobN) Components for Job N needed… 1 (kanban = card=signal) 2 Components for Job N produced and Supplied (pulled) 1 Production =kanban The number of kanban cards in the system determines the WIP levels in the plant Demand JIT (manufacturing philosophy) •Kanban is not JIT !!! •JIT encompasses : –kanban cards (kan=card, ban=signal) –total quality control (TQM) – e.g. scrap loss not tolerated…. –setup reduction –worker participation –lean production (low level of waste) •Advantages of JIT philosophy : –reduced WIP (Work in Progress)->higher Throughput (see Little´s law- will be presented later) –shorter production times –lower production costs –greater customer responsiveness – Kanban principle Resource : (home study) Some units •Will be presented later in sections such as : –Little´s law (LT=WIP*CT=WIP/Throughput) –Theory of Constraint… •Cycle Time (CT)– time to complete task (time/unit) •Takt Time (TT) – rhythm in which we have to produce in order to satisfy customer demand (demand is 240 toaster ovens and we can produce these in 480 minutes ->TT= 480/240=2 •Lead Time (LT) – Number of minutes, hours, or days that must be allowed for the completion of an operation or process, or must elapse before a desired action takes place –see next slide •Comment : CT<>LT !! (not for BPH_PIS2) Lead time The lead time is the time and not the effort. You may have a lead time of 100 days and only have to work 1 hour to fix the bug. Sometime you start working on the bug. The cycle time is the time from the start of the work until the bugfix is live. Cycle time Lead time Request (bug reported) Priority of the task is set Start work Bug solved (not for BPH_PIS2)