Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Introduction to discrete choice theory Stefanie Peer Masaryk University, Brno October 30, 2014 Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Table of Contents 1 Basics Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation 2 Data RP data SP data Combining data sources Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Table of Contents 3 Advanced Models Nested and cross-nested logit Mixed logit Multinomial probit Latent class models Semi-parametric approaches Specification issues 4 Summary Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation About myself Master in Port, Transport & Urban Economics at EUR Rotterdam PhD in Transport Economics at the VU University Amsterdam The economics of trip scheduling, travel time variability and traffic information Modeling of scheduling choices (empirically and theoretically) Using SP and RP (separate and jointly) in several papers Since 2014 Assistant Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Motivation An econometric perspective Many important research topics with ’discrete’ dependent variables Voting, product choice, etc. Example: 2 discrete alternatives With OLS predicted probabilities can be smaller than 0 and larger than 1 Binary logistic regression constrains the estimated probabilities to lie between 0 and 1 Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Motivation A choice modeling perspective Estimate latent preference structure from data on discrete choices Discrete choice theory was established only in the 70ies (McFadden) Closely related to traditional microeconomic theory of consumer behavior A way to translate theoretical models into empirical settings However, while in theory the goods per se generate utility, in discrete choice modeling the properties of the goods generate the utility Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Motivation A demand modeling perspective I Aggregate approaches to measure demand Aggregate data Representative consumer approach Aggregate demand is compatible with many forms of demand functions (which one is the "true"?) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Motivation A demand modeling perspective II Discrete choice models as disaggregate approach to measure demand Micro data (from individual decision-making units) Larger number of observations Well grounded in microeconomic theory Explicit modeling of the choice making Available alternatives and their attributes Source of random disturbances Aggregate demand can be derived from disaggregate choice data Market shares can be derived from average choice probabilities Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Transport applications Choices: routes, modes, car types, subscriptions for public transport/ car sharing/ bike sharing, etc. Relevant attributes: costs, travel time, schedule delays, reliability, level of comfort, waiting time, number of interchanges, etc. Often monetary valuations of the attributes are derived: value of time, value of reliability, value of comfort, etc. Numerous applications also in environmental economics, political economics, marketing, etc. Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Terminology & Notation Decision-making units n = 1, . . . , N Individuals, households, or firms Alternatives j, i = 1, . . . , J Products, actions, timing etc. Choice set J Set of alternatives Attributes zjn Set of characteristics describing a specific choice alternative j for a decision maker n Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Set of alternatives ... must be Mutually exclusive Exhaustive The number of alternatives must be finite Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Utility functions Consumer maximizes a conditional indirect utility function Conditional on choice j Depends on income and prices - budget constraint is considered indirectly Choice probability of j depends on utility associated with all available alternatives Utility is probabilistic Random utility model (RUM), McFadden (1974) Measured variables do not include all relevant factors that determine decision Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Utility formulation Most common: additive utility function However, also utility functions with multiplicative error terms exist Fosgerau, M., Bierlaire, M. (2009) Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms. Transportation Research Part B, 43 (5), pp. 494-505 Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Additive utility function Utility of alternative j in choice by person n: Ujn = V (zjn, sn, αj ; β) + jn, where: V (.) is a function known as systematic (or: representative) utility zjn is a vector of attributes of the choice alternative j (as they apply to n) sn is a vector of characteristics of the decision maker αj is a vector of alternative-specific constants β is a vector of unknown parameters jn is the unobservable (random) component of the utility function Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Choice probability Probability to choose alternative i: Pin = Prob[Uin > Ujn for all j = i] = Prob[Vin + in > Vjn + jn for all j = i] = Prob[Vin − Vjn > jn − in for all j = i], where Vjn is a shorthand for V (zjn, sn, αj ; β) (Cumulative) distribution of random variable jn − in? Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Cumulative distribution Binary case (J=2) P1n = Prob[V1n − V2n > 2n − 1n] ≡ F(V1n − V2n), where F is the cdf of the random variable 2n − 1n. The assumption on the cdf determines the type of model... Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation 1 Binary Probit Assumption: 2n − 1n is standard normal Equivalent: 2n, 1n are both normal with variance 0.5 and independent of each other F is then the normal cumulative distribution function 2 Logit Assumption: 2n − 1n has a logistic distribution Equivalent: 2n, 1n are both Gumbel (also: double-exponential extreme value, Weibull) distributed with mean 0.58 (Euler’s constant) and variance π2 /6 F is then the logistic cumulative distribution function Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Little difference in the cdfs if scaled accordingly Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation For probit F cannot be expressed in closed form: P1n = Φ V1n − V2n σ , where Φ is the cumulative standard normal distribution function and σ is the standard deviation of 2n − 1n (when iid distributed). σ cannot be distinguished from the scale of utility By convention: σ = 1 Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation For logit a closed form expression for F is available (again for iid distributed error terms): F(x) = Prob[ 2n − 1n < x] = exp(−e−µx ), where µ is a scale parameter (by convention µ = 1). Then: F(x) = 1 1 + exp(−x) P1n = F(V1n −V2n) = 1 1 + exp(V2n − V1n) = exp(V1n) exp(V1n) + exp(V2n) Closed form allows for faster estimation! Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Multinomial logit Generalization of binary logit to J alternatives: Pin = exp(Vin) J j=1 exp(Vjn) Odds ratio Pin/Pjn depends only on Vin − Vjn, not on the utilities associated with any other alternative: Independence from irrelevant alternatives (IIA) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation IIA Adding new alternatives does not change relative proportions of choices for previously existing alternatives If attractiveness of one alternative is increased, the probabilities of all other alternatives being chosen will decrease by identical percentages IIA applies to groups with common value of Vjn, not to heterogeneous populations Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation IIA violations When decision makers perceive alternatives to be substitutes for each other When we omit variables that are common to two or more alternatives (Cross-) nested logit models can be used to avoid the restriction IIA imposes (or multinomial probit models) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Probit vs. logit Logit much more common, especially in multinomial form mainly due to closed form properties of logit (no simulation of choice probabilities necessary) iid assumption (identically and independently distributed error terms) is restrictive in both models iid probit and logit can be generalized for non-iid distributions (to be discussed later) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Ordered logit Exploit natural ordering of the alternatives by using ordered probit or ordered logit Determine size of "latent variable" Choice j occurs if the latent variable falls in a particular interval [µj−1, µj ] Most relevant when only characteristics of the decision maker are known, but not of the alternatives If dependent variable is an integer, other approaches may be superior (e.g. Poisson regression) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Note: Only differences in utility matter Overall scale of utility is irrelevant Normalizing the variance of the error terms is equivalent to normalizing the scale of utility Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Variance General Variance of the random utility term reflects randomness in behavior of the choice makers as well as unobserved heterogeneity between them Little randomness implies almost deterministic model Sudden changes in behavior when (observable) characteristics of the alternatives change Much randomness means that behavior changes only gradually if the (observable) characteristics of the alternatives change Hence: variance important for prediction! Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Variance Variance can be represented by the inverse of the scale of the systematic utility function In MNL: σ2 = π2 /(6λ2 i ) → Models that fit well display larger scales (i.e. larger (absolute) β) Randomness in behavior also produces variety (entropy) in aggregate behavior Link between aggregate and disaggregate models Expected maximum utility from choice set increases with more alternatives (love for variety) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Consumer surplus Consumer surplus is proportional to expected maximum utility Demand function generated by individuals making discrete choices If cost coefficient is estimated: marginal utility of income γn Compute expected consumer surplus E(CSn) = 1 γn E[max j (Vjn + jn)] = 1 γn log J j=1 exp(Vjn) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Estimation of coefficients Using data on observed choices (in real or hypothetical setting) Required information Characteristics of decision maker n Attributes of all alternatives considered by decision maker n The actual choice made by n: din with din = 1 if i is the chosen alternative, 0 otherwise Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) Likelihood function: L = N n=1 ( P1n(β)d1n × P2n(β)d2n × · · · × PJn(β)dJn ) Maximize log-likelihood function: L(β) = N n=1 J i=1 din log Pin(β) Derivatives of L provide information about the preciseness of the estimated parameters ˆβ Variance-covariance matrix Var(β) Diagonal elements give variances of the individual parameters Off-diagonal elements give covariances Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Specification of the deterministic utility formulation Linear in parameters = linear in variables With V linear in β, loglikelihood function is globally concave in β As usual: completeness vs. tractability Base empirical models on explicit behavioral theory Goal of transferability Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Coefficients Different types of coefficients Generic (e.g. cost-coefficient) Pure conditional logit (alternative-specific data) Alternative-specific (e.g. constants) Interaction (e.g. income, education) Note: all person-specific variables sn must be interacted with an alternative-specific variable or coefficient, otherwise they would cancel out when computing Vin − Vjn Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Interpreting the coefficients Not straightforward, because marginal effect depends on the values of the variables ODDS12 = P1n P2n = exp(|z1n − z2n|β) Quick check: A change in β zin by +(-)1 increases (decreases) the relative odds of alternative i, compared to each other available alternative, by a factor exp(1) = 2.72 Size of typical variation in variable × coefficient Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Interpreting the coefficients Marginal rates of substitution It’s easier to interpret ratios of coefficients They represent the marginal rates of substitution Famous example: "Value of travel time savings" (shorthand: "Value of time" (VOT)) VOT = βTT /βCOST Depending on utility specification the VOT can vary Across people Across modes (self-selection?) Across travel times Etc. Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Motivation Modeling framework Estimation Specification & Interpretation Alternative-specific constants Vin = αi + β zin αi can be interpreted as average utility of the unobserved characteristics of alternative i (relative to base alternative) Since only differences in utility count, one ASC must be normalized (usually to 0): "base alternative" Can be interacted with other variables Use of ASC makes it impossible to predict the result of adding a new alternative (unless a-priori information on ASC is available) ASC usually not transferable to other contexts: sample-specific ASC can be adjusted to match (known) aggregate choice shares Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Two data sources Stated preference (SP) data: hypothetical choices Revealed preference (RP) data: actual (real-life) choices Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources RP data Main characteristics (I) Choice behavior in actual choice situation Preference information from observed choices (sometimes reported) Choice set ambiguous/unobservable in many cases Responses to non-existent alternatives cannot be measured Sometimes not feasible to observe multiple choices per person (i.e. no panel setting) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources RP data Main characteristics (II) Attributes Often correlated Limited ranges Ambiguous/unobservable/biased → measurement errors, e.g. Travel time expectations: definition? learning from past experience? traffic information? person-specific? Schedule delays: w.r.t. which preferred arrival time? usual arrival time? arrival time without (recurrent) congestion? Note: attributes must be known for chosen as well as unchosen alternatives Engineering values? Perceived values? Generally difficult & expensive to collect Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources An example from... Peer, S., Knockaert, J., Koster, P., Tseng, Y.-Y., Verhoef, E. 2013. Door-to-door travel times in RP departure time choice models: An approximation method using GPS data. Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological 58, pp. 134-150 Attributes for non-chosen alternatives, using geographically weighted regression to predict person-specific, time-of-day-specific and day-specific travel times Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Home Locations Link with continuous speed measurements Work Locations Links with GPS-based speed measurements Home/Work Locations C1C2 Camera Locations Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources C1C2 Home LocationsWork Locations km/h 0 40 60 80 100 120 Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources C1C2 km/h 40 60 80 100 120 Figure: Predictions: C1–C2 speed = 50 km/h C1C2 km/h 40 60 80 100 120 Figure: Predictions: C1–C2 speed = 100 km/h Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources SP data Main characteristics (I) Choice behavior in hypothetical choice situation Various types of preference information feasible (choice, ranking, rating, matching, etc.) Choice set specified by researcher Preferences for non-existent alternatives can be measured Panel setup can be easily achieved Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources SP data Main characteristics (II) Attributes Multicollinearity can be avoided by choice design Ranges determined by researcher No measurement errors Usually fairly convenient & cheap to collect Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Hence, compared to RP data, SP data... Tend to be "cleaner" (i.e. more controlled, well-defined attributes and choice sets, little correlation between attribute values) Can be used to investigate choice alternatives that are not present in reality (e.g. to predict structural, long-run changes such as a new route that reduces travel time substantially) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources However, SP estimates might be biased... Choices might be incongruent with actual behavior Strategical interests (e.g. in order to affect future implementation of policies) Range of attribute values presented matters Difficulties to understand choice task Format of the choice task (e.g. representation of reliability or comfort not straightforward) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources An example from... Tseng, Y.-Y. et al. (2007) A pilot study into the perception of unreliability of travel times using in-depth interviews. Journal of Choice Modelling, 2(1), pp. 8-28 Different representations of travel time variability in SP... Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Combining SP and RP data What can be gained? Traditional view: SP data should be used to enrich RP data Based on the notion that RP data are true data source and therefore superior Use SP data to correct for deficiencies of RP data (e.g. correlation between attribute values) (More) recent view: No superior data source Each data source captures those aspects of the choice process for which it is superior Hence: Stronger role of SP, probably as a consequence of advancements in research (e.g. pivoting of SP-attributes around status-quo: Hensher, 2010) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Benefits from combining (pooling) SP and RP... ... can be expected if: Common theoretical model underlying both datasets Similar structural form of the data (similar attribute definitions) Ratios of SP and RP parameters similar across attributes (when estimated separately) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Scale Scale may differ between between SP and RP Scale of one data source must be fixed to 1, otherwise identification is not possible Usually variance is expected to be larger in RP data because of unobserved factors (SP more controlled) However, no a priori theoretical basis for assuming that one of the variances is larger than the other Relative scale λSP /λRP usually found between 0 and 3 Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Example: Brownstone & Small, 2005 (I) Valuing time and reliability: assessing the evidence from road pricing demonstrations (Transportation Research-Part A) Probably most influential SP–RP paper in transport economics They review various studies, mainly covering two express-lane projects in the US (SP, RP, SP–RP data): focus on route choice Frequent outcome that RP estimates of the VOT to be higher than SP estimates, by roughly a factor 2 E.g. Brownstone and Small, 2005; Ghosh, 2001; Hensher, 2001; Isacsson, 2007; Small, 2005 Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary RP data SP data Combining data sources Example: Brownstone & Small, 2005 (II) Suggest 2 possible explanations 1 Time inconsistency: React more strongly to cost in laboratory setting 2 Travel time misperception in reality If in real life an individual perceives a 10-minute delay as 20 minutes, he probably reacts to a 20-minute delay in an SP setting in the same way as he would to a 10-minute delay in reality (→ SP-based VOT half of RP-based VOT) RP results correspond to what planners need to know in order to evaluate transportation projects Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Main limitations of logit models Cannot represent random taste variation (differences in taste that cannot be linked to observed characteristics) Imply proportional substitution patterns (IIA) Cannot capture the dynamics of repeated choice (unobserved factors are correlated over time) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Nested logit Idea Allows for intra-choice correlation in preferences for a subset (a "nest") of choice alternatives (i.e. correlated random terms) It groups alternatives that are similar to each other in unobserved ways ("nests" are determined by researcher, preferably following some theoretical intuition) Relieves IIA assumption IIA holds within nests but not across nests Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Example: nested logit Vienna–Brno PT Bus Train Car B7 D2 Note: It does not necessarily represent a sequential choice! Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Nested logit Probability of choosing alternative j ∈ nest k: Pjn = PknPjn|k Conditional probability of choosing j: Pjn|k = exp(Vjn/λk) i∈k exp(Vin/λk) Expected utility of choice in nest k Ukn = λk log i∈k exp(Vin/λk) Probability of choosing nest k P = exp(Ukn) k exp(Ukn) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Nested logit Multinomial logit λk as a measure of the degree of independence in observed utility among the alternative in nest Bk Hence: a larger λk means more more independence 1 − λk as measure of correlation If λk = 1: complete independence, meaning that the nested logit reduces to the standard logit Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Cross-nested logit Idea Generalization of the nested logit Alternatives can belong to more than one nest Allocation parameter that describes the proportion of membership of alternative j to nest k can be: fixed estimated Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Mixed logit Allow coefficient(s) β to have any distribution Allow for random taste variation Allow for flexible substitution patterns Allow for correlations over time No closed form Outer integration (over the distribution defining random parameters) using simulation methods Inner integration (over remaining additive errors jn) yields logit formula (no simulation needed) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Mixed logit Mixed logit probability as weighted average of the standard logit formula evaluated at different values of β Weights given by density f (β) Hence: mixture of Gumbel distribution with the distribution of the random parameter Mostly: normal or lognormal Maximize simulated log-likelihood subject to β and the parameters that describe the density Computationally intensive Especially if more than one β has a random distribution Usually at max 2 coefficients with a random distribution Use Halton draws for simulation (preferable > 1000) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Mixed logit 2 possible setups Random coefficients Error components Specifications are formally equivalent Idea: it is possible to decompose the coefficients βn into their mean and their standard deviation Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Panel mixed logit Define distribution of one (or more) coefficients β as having one draw per person n Distributions on alternative-specific coefficients tend to work quite well The same is true for cost or reward coefficient (i.e. marginal utility of income) Also estimations in WTP-space are possible Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Multinomial probit Idea Like mixed logit models, also probit models can deal with all three limitations of MNL But unlike mixed logit models: only normal distributions of coefficients and error components are possible Computationally more intense Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Latent class models Idea 2 or more classes Within each class: MNL Probabilistic (usually (multinomial) logit) model for class membership (with or without explanatory variables) Possible to fix coefficients across classes In contrast to mixed logit models, which assume a continuous distribution of (some) parameters, latent class models do not require any assumptions regarding the shape of the distribution of a given parameter (hence, no simulation needed) Panel setup possible Increasingly popular Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Latent class model Panel Specification ln L = N n=1 ln   Q q=1 Hnq Kn k=1 ˘Pnk|q   , ˘Pnk|q is equal to the probability associated with the alternative chosen by person n in choice situation k conditional on n being member of class q Kn k=1 ˘Pnk|q therefore represents the probability of the sequence of choices k = 1, . . . , Kn made by driver n, again conditional on class membership Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Local logit estimation Deal in a flexible way with observed heterogeneity Derive individual or group-specific estimates Estimate the utility function using semi-parametric methods Repeated estimation of weighted logit model (for each observation/person) Weights depend on kernel function and bandwidth The ’closer’ an observation n is to observation m (hence: zjn − zjm and/or sn − sm) the higher weight it has in the local estimation of m Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Example from Koster, P. and Koster, H. (2013) Commuters’ Preferences for Fast and Reliable Travel Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Heteroskedasticity Sometimes also referred to as scale heterogeneity: different persons or groups have different variances (In contrast to OLS) heteroskedasticity results in inconsistent estimates in a logit context when coefficients are estimated using MLE Alternative: maximum score estimation (i.e. maximize number of correct predictions) No assumptions on distribution of error term needed Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Maximum score estimation Advantages Simple implementation (grid search) Robust to heteroskedasticity, serial correlation and generally to mis-specifications of the distribution of jn Disadvantages Gradient-based methods are not feasible (hence: standard errors only via bootstrapping) Slow convergence Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Panel nature I Daly, A., Hess, S. (2010). Simple approaches for random utility modelling with panel data: Worryingly, the main motivation for advanced specification in at least some studies is seemingly simply to safeguard against the effects of the repeated choice nature on the error structure, but the use of advanced model structures in fact leads to a different set of results that may not in fact be relevant to the main issues of interest to the analyst [...] Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Models Specification issues Panel nature II Retain "naïve" estimation methods but correct the results ex-post Aim: get better estimates of the standard errors 2 main methods 1 Re-sampling Measure the variation of the estimates when estimation sample is changed Jack-knife Bootstrap 2 Robust SE Sandwich estimator: explicitly take into account the panel nature of the data in the BHHH matrix Formulate likelihood function such that individual-specific probability of the observed sequence of choices is used Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Estimation software The estimation of probit and logit models is possible in all standard econometrics packages E.g. STATA, Eviews, SPSS Many dedicated packages in R and Matlab Dedicated software: Biogeme, Alogit Standard Bison version (with GUI) Python-based version Find out more at the workshop tomorrow! Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary To sum up... Discrete choice approaches widely used SP and RP data with source-specific advantages and disadvantages Nested & mixed logit, as well as panel latent class models as extensions to the basic MNL Various new developments due to increase in computing power availability (supercomputers) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Main references Louviere, J., Hensher, D., Swait, J. (2000) Stated Choice Methods: Analysis and Application, Cambridge University Press Small, K., Verhoef, E. (2007) The Economics of Urban Transportation, Routledge Train, K. (2002) Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation, Cambridge University Press Kenneth E. Train (available online for free!) Stefanie Peer Discrete choice Basics Data Advanced Summary Thank you for your attention! Stefanie Peer Discrete choice